Latest KFF Health News Stories
Like Clockwork: How Daylight Saving Time Stumps Hospital Record-Keeping
One of the most popular electronic health records software systems used by hospitals, Epic Systems, can delete records or require cumbersome workarounds when clocks are set back for an hour, prompting many hospitals to opt for paper records for part of the night shift.
Paper Jam: California’s Medicaid Program Hits ‘Print’ When The Feds Need Info
Amid the buzz over apps and electronic medical records rescuing modern medicine, California’s Medicaid program still clings to 1970s-era technology. A reboot may cost half a billion dollars.
Telemedicina: guía para entender las citas médicas a distancia
Algunos consideran que es la atención primaria del futuro. Otros temen que la telemedicina lesione el vínculo médico-paciente. Lo cierto es que las citas virtuales crecen día a día.
Hoping To See Your Doctor Via Telemedicine? Here’s A Quick Guide.
All private health plans, Medicare, state Medicaid programs and the VA now cover some e-visits — albeit with restrictions.
As Proton Centers Struggle, A Sign Of A Health Care Bubble?
Companies pushed proton machines and counted on advertising, doctors and insurers to ensure a steady business treating cancer. But the dollars haven’t flowed in as expected.
Applying Silicon Valley Smarts To Age-Old Diseases
Customized iPhones are just one example of devices that can be used to combat health threats in developing countries. They are helping scientists in California and Cameroon attack the parasite that causes river blindness, an African scourge.
Sin contexto, ¿es bueno leer los resultados de exámenes médicos por internet?
En los últimos años, hospitales y consultorios han instado a los pacientes a inscribirse en los portales, para tener acceso rápido y continuo a sus registros. Pero a veces los resultados llegan antes que la voz del médico.
Without Context Or Cushion, Do Online Medical Results Make Sense?
In some cases, information now available to people without talking to a doctor can be a source of confusion and alarm and the cause of more work for doctors because it comes without adequate guidance.
Reporter’s Notebook: The Tale Of Theranos And The Mysterious Fire Alarm
Health care tech startup Theranos was riding high back in 2014. But when a reporter raised questions, its media reps circled the wagons.
J.P. Morgan Health Conference All About The Deals Amid Uncertainty For Millions
The lofty ideas floated and billion-dollar deals sealed at J.P. Morgan’s elite annual conference stand in stark contrast to the uncertainty that clouds health care outside its confines.
Telemedicine For Addiction Treatment? Picture Remains Fuzzy
One Indiana addiction specialist doesn’t shy away from telemedicine, but he still requires in-person visits to begin and maintain his patients’ Suboxone prescriptions.
Can Apps Slay The Medical Bill Dragon?
A handful of Silicon Valley start-ups are trying to usher medical billing into the 21st century by creating smartphone apps to help consumers navigate their health insurance paperwork.
Molina Healthcare, A Top Obamacare Insurer, Investigates Breach Of Patients’ Data
“It’s unconscionable that such a basic, security 101 flaw could still exist at a major health care provider,” says one cybersecurity expert.
In Remote Idaho, A Tiny Facility Lights The Way For Stressed Rural Hospitals
In a region where bears outnumber people, a small medical facility sets a modern example for rural hospitals on life support.
Los Angeles County Scores An E-Success In Managing Specialist Care
An electronic consulting and referral system adopted by the county’s safety net public health system in 2012 has reduced waiting times for appointments with specialists and eliminated the need for such appointments in a significant number of cases, according to a new study in the journal Health Affairs.
Merger May Revitalize California’s Flagging Effort To Pool Medical Records
An Obama administration veteran will take the helm of Cal INDEX as it combines with the Inland Empire Health Information Exchange, creating a database covering nearly 17 million patients.
California Has High Aspirations For Lowering HIV Infections
The state’s five-year-plan — focused on prevention and ensuring rapid and equal access to treatment — is nothing if not ambitious.
Covered California Resolves Pregnancy Snafu
Officials at the state exchange say they have fixed their computer system to stop switching some low-income pregnant women into Medi-Cal without their approval.
Can We Conquer All Diseases By The End Of The Century?
According to the neurobiologist heading a much-publicized effort funded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, putting scientists and engineers under one roof will be key.
Licensing Logjam For California Nurses
A big backlog of applications at the state’s licensing board is holding up hiring by hospitals and making it difficult for recent nurse graduates — and experienced nurses from out of state — to work.