Latest KFF Health News Stories
Another Cause Of Doctor Burnout: Being Forced To Give Immigrants Unequal Care
Undocumented patients with kidney disease often can’t get treatment unless they are in a state of emergency. This bothers clinicians who want to treat all patients equally.
Indocumentada y con cáncer: entre la muerte y la deportación
¿Qué sucede cuando un inmigrante indocumentado tiene un diagnóstico potencialmente mortal? Depende mucho de en dónde viva.
Choosing Between Death And Deportation
What happens when an undocumented immigrant has a life-threatening diagnosis? Much depends on where the person lives. And even in states with generous care for a dire illness, a patient can face difficult life-and-death choices.
Calif. Leads Nation In Pushing Back Against Trump Administration Health Policies
In the face of federal efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, policymakers in the largest state are proposing laws and other changes to counter them. Beyond that, they’re aggressively pushing measures to expand health coverage beyond what the ACA envisioned.
Para los Dreamers, el sueño de convertirse en médicos pende de la “compasión” legal
De los 700,000 jóvenes beneficiarios de DACA, 99 son estudiantes de medicina. Pero sus años de residencia se pueden ver opacados por las nuevas políticas migratorias.
The Dream Among ‘Dreamers’ To Become A Doctor Now ‘At The Mercy’ Of Courts
In September, the Trump administration announced its plan to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, setting off an ongoing political and legal battle that could doom the dreams of immigrant doctors in training.
El miedo compromete la salud y el bienestar de las familias inmigrantes
El clima político en derredor de la inmigración ha generado más estrés y temor en las familias que temen ser separadas por la deportación.
Fear Compromises The Health, Well-Being Of Immigrant Families, Report Finds
Interviews with immigrants from 15 countries and pediatricians in eight states reveal that fear of deportation is putting parents and children under heightened stress, impeding daily activities and jeopardizing long-term health.
Empeora la salud de trabajadores agrícolas, a medida que la fuerza de trabajo envejece
Con una migración en baja, hoy en día la edad promedio del trabajador agrícola en California, 90 por ciento de ellos hispanos, es de 45 años. Enfrentan más problemas de salud.
Health Risks To Farmworkers Increase As Workforce Ages
Harvesting U.S. crops has been left to an aging population of farmworkers whose health has suffered from decades of hard labor. Older workers have a greater chance of getting injured and of developing chronic illnesses.
For Some Refugees, Women’s Health Care Is A Culture Shock
Refugee women from conservative Muslim countries can be shocked by some U.S. medical conventions — like trusting a male doctor to care for them.
El ultimátum de Trump a los “soñadores” impacta en la industria de la salud
Médicos y académicos consideran que el potencial final del programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA) impactaría negativamente en el campo de la salud.
Trump’s Deadline On ‘Dreamers’ Reverberates Through Health Industries
From medical students to home health aides, the loss of DACA could deal a blow to the health care workforce, industry leaders suggest.
Con el fin de DACA, jóvenes inmigrantes temen por su salud
La polémica decisión de la administración Trump de eliminar el programa DACA hace más que poner a casi 800.000 “dreamers” bajo el miedo a la deportación. Amenaza el cuidado de salud de miles de adultos jóvenes.
Move To End DACA Leaves Some Young Immigrants Fearing For Their Health
The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program made it possible for young adults who came into the country illegally as children to get jobs with insurance and, in some states including California, Medicaid. Now that coverage is in peril.
A Community Seeks Answers, Assurances About Health Care — In 10 Languages
A forum for Asian immigrants in Oakland draws a crowd so large some attendees had to be seated in an overflow room. Many immigrants are eager for information relevant to them as changes to the health care system are debated in Washington.
¿Quién cuidará de Abril si nos deportan? Padres temen por sus hijos discapacitados
Cada vez más los padres indocumentados que tienen hijos con discapacidades severas consultan a abogados y médicos con una pregunta angustiante: cómo evitar la deportación para seguir cuidando de sus niños.
Who Will Care For Abril? Parents Fear For Their Disabled Child If They Are Deported
Anticipating a broader immigration crackdown, undocumented families are hiring lawyers and scrambling to make contingency plans for their seriously ill U.S.-born kids.
Por miedo a la deportación, niños sin papeles pueden abandonar el Medicaid
Desde que California permitió por ley que niños indocumentados recibieran servicios completos del Medi-Cal, se inscribieron cerca de 190,000. Con el clima político actual, defensores temen que los padres no los reinscriban por miedo a las deportaciones.
Fearing Deportation, Parents Worry About Undocumented Kids In Medicaid Program
A 2016 California law allowed children without papers to sign up for full Medicaid benefits. More than 189,000 children have been covered, but some families now fear renewing coverage or signing up their kids for the first time.