Latest KFF Health News Stories
Centenaria vive sola en Nueva York, y se mantiene comprometida y activa con su comunidad
Entre las cualidades asociadas a la resiliencia en los mayores se incluyen el optimismo y la esperanza, la capacidad de adaptarse a circunstancias cambiantes, las relaciones personales relevantes, las conexiones con la comunidad y la actividad física.
Resources Are Expanding for Older Adults on Their Own
Aging alone, without a spouse, a partner, or children, requires careful planning. New programs for this growing population offer much-needed help.
Expanden los recursos para las personas mayores que viven solas
Todos estos recursos abordan la necesidad de estos adultos mayores de relacionarse con otras personas, evitar el aislamiento y prepararse para un futuro en el que podrían tener menos energía, más problemas de salud y necesitar más ayuda.
An Arm and a Leg: New Lessons in the Fight for Charity Care
Host Dan Weissmann checks back in on the fight for hospital charity care, with lessons from Dollar For and a savvy listener.
With Trump on the Way, Advocates Look to States To Pick Up Medical Debt Fight
Patient and consumer advocates fear a new Trump administration will scale back federal efforts to expand financial protections for patients and shield them from debt.
Nursing Home Industry Wants Trump To Rescind Staffing Mandate
A Biden administration rule that imposed minimum rules on nursing levels may not survive, even though many homes lack enough workers to maintain residents’ care.
Homebound Seniors Living Alone Often Slip Through Health System’s Cracks
There is a large population of older adults with physical problems that prevent them from leaving home. Many have significant medical and practical needs that go unmet.
Pay First, Deliver Later: Some Women Are Being Asked To Prepay for Their Baby
Pregnant women are being asked to make large cash payments months before they deliver their babies. Some patient advocates worry this billing practice allows providers to hold treatment hostage.
Es difícil saber con qué frecuencia ocurre porque se considera una transacción privada entre el proveedor y el paciente. Por lo tanto, los pagos no se registran en los datos de reclamos de seguros y, por ende, los expertos no los analizan.
7 of 10 States Backed Abortion Rights. But Little To Change Yet.
Voters in 10 states weighed in on abortion rights this election. Despite the results supporting abortion rights in seven of those states, much of the abortion landscape on abortion won’t change much immediately, as medical providers navigate the legal hurdles that remain.
In Vermont, Where Almost Everyone Has Insurance, Many Can’t Find or Afford Care
Vermont has one of the lowest uninsured rates in the U.S., even though its residents pay some of the highest health insurance costs. Still, most of its hospitals are losing money and patients often face long waits for care.
Trump Wants Harris To Pay a Political Price for Generous Immigrant Health Policies
Several Democratic-led states have expanded public insurance programs to cover immigrants in the U.S. regardless of legal status. Donald Trump is trying to blame Kamala Harris for the policies.
‘Dreamers’ Can Enroll in ACA Plans This Year — But a Court Challenge Could Get in the Way
Nineteen states are seeking to stall a Biden administration rule that would allow recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program to enroll in ACA coverage and qualify for subsidies. DACA provides work authorization and temporary deportation protection to people brought to the U.S. as children without immigration paperwork.
Del medio millón de beneficiarios de DACA, el gobierno estima que alrededor de 100.000 que anteriormente no tenían seguro podrían inscribirse a partir del 1 de noviembre.
Beneficiarios de Medicare gastarán menos en medicamentos en 2025
El período de inscripción anual para que los beneficiarios de Medicare renueven o cambien su cobertura de medicamentos, o elijan un plan Medicare Advantage, comenzó el 15 de octubre y se extiende hasta el 7 de diciembre.
Medicare Drug Plans Are Getting Better Next Year. Some Will Also Cost More.
Every year, Medicare officials encourage beneficiaries to shop around for their drug coverage. Few take the time. This year, it might be more important than ever.
What’s New and What To Watch For in the Upcoming ACA Open Enrollment Period
This year’s start date in most states is Nov. 1, and consumers may encounter new scams as well as important rule changes.
Democratic Hopefuls Fault GOP Incumbents for Anti-Abortion Records in Congress
Democratic congressional hopefuls in California are highlighting the anti-abortion records of vulnerable Republican incumbents, many of whom have moderated their stances ahead of the election. With control of the U.S. House at stake, Democrats hope to convince voters that their candidates will do more to protect women’s health.
A medida que se acerca el día de las elecciones, los aspirantes demócratas están haciendo todo lo posible para vincular a sus oponentes republicanos en distritos congresionales disputados con sus antecedentes antiaborto.
Historic Numbers of Americans Live by Themselves as They Age
Longer life spans, rising rates of divorce, widowhood, and childlessness, and smaller, far-flung families are fueling a “gray revolution” in older adults’ living arrangements. It can have profound health consequences.