Latest KFF Health News Stories
Short-Staffed Nursing Homes See Drop In Medicare Ratings
In its latest update to the Nursing Home Compare website, the government gave 1,638 homes its lowest star rating for staffing — one star on its five-star scale. Most were downgraded because payroll records reported no registered-nurse hours at all for at least four days.
Look-Up: How Nursing Home Staffing Fluctuates Nationwide
Use this tool to see staffing levels at skilled nursing homes in the U.S.
¿Cómo combatir las aterradoras súper bacterias? Cooperación y un jabón especial
En los Estados Unidos, cada año, al menos dos millones de personas se infectan con bacterias resistentes a los antibióticos, y unas 23,000 mueren por esas infecciones. La clave de prevención puede ser simple.
How To Fight ‘Scary’ Superbugs? Cooperation — And A Special Soap
Hospitals and nursing homes in California and Illinois hope that regional cooperation — and a special soap — will help them gain the upper hand against deadly antibiotic-resistant superbugs.
Making Smarter Decisions About Where To Recover After Hospitalization
Older adults — and their families — often find it challenging and stressful to find the best facility. And they often end up in the wrong spot, new research shows.
Lethal Plans: When Seniors Turn To Suicide In Long-Term Care
In a nation where the suicide rate continues to climb, such deaths among older adults are often overlooked. A six-month investigation by KHN and PBS NewsHour finds that older Americans are quietly killing themselves in nursing homes, assisted living centers and adult care homes.
Trump escucha quejas de la industria y bajan las multas en hogares de adultos mayores
Bajo la administración actual, la multa promedio se redujo a $28,405, muy por debajo de los $41,260 en 2016, el último año en el cargo del presidente Barack Obama.
Nursing Home Fines Drop As Trump Administration Heeds Industry Complaints
Inspectors are citing nursing facilities for violating health and safety more often than during the Obama administration. But the average fine is nearly a third lower than it was before President Donald Trump took office.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ Ask Us Anything!
From Medicare dental coverage to drug prices to fetal tissue research, the panelists answer listeners’ questions. Joanne Kenen of Politico, Stephanie Armour of The Wall Street Journal and Paige Winfield Cunningham of The Washington Post join KHN’s Julie Rovner.
Health Care Is Where The Jobs Are. But What Kind Of Jobs?
The health care industry adds thousands of jobs to the economy each month. While they aren’t all doctors and nurses, they aren’t all paper pushers either.
California: hogares para adultos mayores se resisten a cumplir reglas de personal
Nuevas normas exigen que los hogares ofrezcan atención individualizada a sus residentes por más tiempo al día.
More Than Half Of California Nursing Homes Balk At Stricter Staffing Rules
Patient advocates say the state’s new staffing regulations are a good start toward better protecting the frail, but the nursing home industry contends they’re too burdensome.
Medicare reduce pagos a hogares cuyos pacientes vuelven a ser hospitalizados
El gobierno federal reducirá los pagos de un año a casi 11,000 hogares cuyos pacientes vuelven al hospital con demasiada frecuencia.
Medicare Cuts Payments To Nursing Homes Whose Patients Keep Ending Up In Hospital
The incentive program to discourage nursing homes from discharging patients too quickly will also give bonuses to facilities with fewer rehospitalizations.
Feds Order More Weekend Inspections Of Nursing Homes To Catch Understaffing
Medicare instructs inspectors to look for staffing inadequacies in homes that report suspiciously low numbers of registered nurses and weekend workers.
Look-Up: Medicare’s Bonuses And Penalties For Nursing Homes Near You
The federal government is issuing bonuses and penalties to skilled nursing facilities based on how often their patients are readmitted to hospitals within a month of being discharged.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health articles from the week so you don’t have to.
Readers And Tweeters Slice And Dice Precision Medicine, Step Therapy
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Trying To Protect Seniors, The Most Vulnerable, From Formidable Foe Florence
With Hurricane Florence predicted to slam the Southeast’s coastline Friday, health officials scramble to dodge the storm and keep older residents safe.
Assisted Living Kicks Out The Frail ’Cause ‘We Can’t Take Care Of You Any Longer’
Is there anything families can do to fight these evictions?