Latest KFF Health News Stories
Money For Health Law Navigators Slashed — Except Where It’s Not
Two states, North and South Carolina, have very different outlooks since the Trump administration cut funding for the people who help others sign up for health insurance.
Federal Judge Denies Bid To Force Feds To Resume ACA Subsidies
U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria said the vast majority of states have already prepared for the termination of the payments and already devised responses that give consumers better coverage.
Want An IUD? Take Note Of Trump’s New Birth Control Policy.
Some employers may opt to claim a religious or moral exemption and women could have to pick up some of the cost of this expensive contraception option.
California Slaps Surcharge On ACA Plans As Trump Remains Coy On Subsidies
Covered California authorized a 12.4 percent average surcharge on silver-tier plans, the second-least expensive option sold on the exchange. It brings the total average premium increase on those plans to nearly 25 percent next year.
Flat-Fee Primary Care Helps Fill Niche For Texas’ Uninsured
Doctors offering this care charge a monthly fee for services that can be handled in the office. But patient advocates warn it is not insurance and offers no coverage for hospital or specialist care.
Uncertainty Over Health Care’s Future Hobbles Entrepreneurs
The Affordable Care Act gave some Americans the chance to strike out on their own in new business ventures because they didn’t have to worry about keeping a job just for health insurance. But the repeal-and-replace efforts reignited this week create uncertainty about whether they can count on that insurance option in the future.
Ante nuevos recortes, navegadores dicen que los federales no aprecian su trabajo
La administración Trump ha informado a organizaciones que se recortará el presupuesto para los navegadores, personas que ayudan con la inscripción en el mercado de seguros.
Bemoaning Budget Cuts, Navigators Say Feds Don’t Appreciate Scope Of The Job
The Trump administration has dramatically trimmed money for the groups that help people enroll in marketplace plans, but those navigators say federal officials have unrealistic assessments of the tasks involved.
California, Other States To Extend Obamacare Sign-Up Beyond Federal Limit
Several state-based exchanges and the District of Columbia will allow people more than the 45 days set by the Trump administration.
Estados extenderán la inscripción del Obamacare más allá del límite federal
Varios estados evitarán este año una nueva regla de la administración Trump que reduce a la mitad el tiempo que los consumidores tienen para comprar un seguro médico individual en los mercados establecidos por ACA.
Trump Administration Whacks Millions From Budget Used To Push Obamacare
The federal government plans to spend millions of dollars less this year on advertising and outreach efforts to support the health law’s open enrollment period, which starts Nov. 1.
Drástica reducción de fondos para promover el Obamacare
Menos dinero para los navegadores y nuevas fechas para el período de inscripción abierta son dos de las medidas de la administración Trump para bloquear al Obamacare.
What Happens If You’re Forced To Switch Health Plans When You’re Sick?
State lawmakers in California have an answer: legislation that would require your new insurer to keep paying for your current doctors even if they’re not in the network.
¿Qué pasa si debes cambiar de plan de salud… estando enfermo?
El retiro de algunas aseguradoras del mercado ha obligado a miles de consumidores a cambiar de plan. Algo que se complica en el caso de pacientes con condiciones crónicas o graves.
Las voces olvidadas en el debate de salud: 8 mujeres cuentan sus historias
Los proyectos de salud que se han estado discutiendo dejan de lado muchos de los servicios esenciales para las mujeres, como el cuidado materno y los métodos anticonceptivos.
Often Missing In The Health Care Debate: Women’s Voices
When leaders in Washington discuss the future of American health care, women are not always in the room. Here, nine women share their personal stories, fears and hopes.
Anthem’s Retreat Leaves Californians With Fewer Choices, More Worries
The nation’s second-largest insurer is shrinking its presence on Obamacare exchanges and in the broader individual market in response to prevailing uncertainty. California is just the latest — and the biggest — example.
5 Ways White House Can Use Its Muscle To Undercut Obamacare
The Trump administration has a variety of mechanisms at its disposal that could undermine the insurance exchanges.
5 Ways White House Can Use Its Muscle To Undercut Obamacare
The Trump administration has a variety of mechanisms at its disposal that could undermine the insurance exchanges.
¿Funcionan los seguros de salud basados en la Biblia?
Los ministerios de salud son esencialmente programas de costos compartidos que se aplican a nivel nacional. Para ser miembro hay que tener una mirada de fe sobre la atención médica.