Latest KFF Health News Stories
A May Health Affairs study examines how Medicare’s eligibility age affects spending and prices, as well as the volume of services used by patients.
High Court Ruling May Hinder Plans’ Efforts To Recoup Consumers’ Legal Awards
When consumers who have been injured sue and win an award, insurance plans routinely demand that they be reimbursed for medical costs that they covered. The Supreme Court this term threw a small chink into that strategy.
UnitedHealthcare To Exit All But ‘Handful’ Of Obamacare Markets In 2017
UnitedHealthcare said Tuesday it will leave most of the 34 states in which it offers health insurance under Obamacare, but Nevada and Virginia are two markets it will retain a presence.
Competition Suffers Most If UnitedHealth Exits Obamacare In 2017: Analysis
A Kaiser Family Foundation analysis released Monday, a day ahead of UnitedHealth’s expected announcement, finds 1.1 million consumers would have no choice in health insurance plans if the giant insurer drops out of Obamacare marketplaces as threatened.
Even Under Parity Rules, Plans May Charge Higher Specialty Copays For Counseling
A reader asks if it’s fair for his health plan to classify his son’s treatment by a psychologist as specialty care that requires a higher copayment.
Workers’ Desire Grows For Wage Increases Over Health Benefits
A recent survey finds that the number of workers who say they would give up some health benefits to get a pay raise has grown from 10 to 20 percent since 2012.
Aetna CEO Answers Burwell’s Call, Vows Support For Exchanges Amid Losses
But Mark Bertolini wants the country’s marketplaces to better serve young people, who define
healthy as “looking good in their underwear.”
Insurers And Medicare Agree On Measures Tracking Doctors’ Quality
The first set of measures focus on seven types of care, including for hearts and cancer. The metrics will be integrated into formulas that determine physicians’ pay.
Buying Supplemental Insurance Can Be Hard For Younger Medicare Beneficiaries
Congress left it to states to determine whether private Medigap plans are sold to the more than 9 million disabled people younger than 65 who qualify for Medicare. The result: rules vary across the country.
Bosses Find Part-Time Workers Can Come With Full-Time Headaches
Health law requirements that small employers offer insurance to full-time workers prompted some fast-food restaurants to convert more employees to part time. Now owners are rethinking that approach.
‘Critical Illness’ Insurance Grows As Out-Of-Pocket Health Costs Jump
A relatively obscure category of health insurance — “critical illness” insurance — is catching on because, increasingly, conventional health plans have consumers paying a lot of out-of-pocket costs. Mark Zdechlik of Minnesota Public Radio explains the pros and cons of critical care insurance in this story that aired on NPR’s Morning Edition.
Insurer’s Approval Of Genetic Testing For Some Cancers Raises Questions
The decision by Independence Blue Cross of Pennsylvania to pay for whole genome sequencing for some cancer patients adds to the debate about how to handle these expensive tests.
Despite Kvetching, Most Consumers Satisfied With Health Plans: Poll
The survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that 71 percent of people with insurance believe their services are excellent or good.
Check The Fine Print: Some Work-Based Health Plans Exclude Outpatient Surgeries
This new generation of so-called “skinny plans” can save employers money, but it’s not yet clear if they will meet regulatory scrutiny.
Democratic Candidates Debate ‘Single-Payer,’ But What Does That Mean?
The phrase often used for government-run health care means different things to different people. Here are five points to help explain the Democrats’ policy clash.
Do You Speak Health Insurance? It’s Not Easy.
Even savvy consumers stumble over terms like “coinsurance.”
ER Doctors Say Federal Rules Could Raise Patients’ Out-Of-Network Bills
Two physician groups say the government’s regulations for out-of-network emergency care payments will cost consumers more because insurers will pay less.
Single-Payer Health Care On Colorado Ballot In 2016
The group ColoradoCareYES gathered enough signatures — more than 100,000 — to put a single-payer health system on the ballot next fall. But the price tag is a worry to some.
Despite Hopes Of Health Law Advocates, ‘Multi-State’ Health Plans Unavailable In Many States
The authors of the law mandated the program to try to generate more competition in areas where few plans were available. But the effort has stalled.
2016 PPO Plans Remove Out-Of-Network Cost Limits, A Costly Trap For Consumers
A trend among this year’s marketplace plans leaves some consumers responsible for potentially unlimited out-of-network health care bills, even though they chose plans in which they thought they had some financial protections.