Some GOP Voters Skittish On Full Repeal, Poll Finds
Trump backers expressed support for some of the health law’s consumer protections, such as allowing young adults to stay on their parents’ insurance until age 26.
Lo que podría hacer Mike Pence con el Medicaid
El gobernador de Indiana, Mike Pence, fue uno de los 10 gobernadores republicanos que expandió el Medicaid bajo el Obamacare, pero como compañero de fórmula del ahora presidente electo Donald Trump, está pidiendo la derogación y reemplazo de la ley.
Pence Expanded Health Coverage As Governor, Now Threatens To Take It Away
Indiana’s Obamacare Medicaid expansion — with a conservative twist — may offer lessons for Republicans’ “repeal and replace” promise.
Uncertain Fate Of Health Law Giving Health Industry Heartburn
The effect of “repeal and replace” could have greatest consequences for hospitals. They accepted lower federal funding under the law because their uncompensated care was expected to fall as more people became insured.