Latest KFF Health News Stories
Use Of HIV-Prevention Drug Grows, But Lags Among Non-Whites
The pill, known as PrEP, can reduce the risk of contracting the virus that causes AIDS by 90 percent. Its use has expanded sharply in recent years — but primarily among a white demographic.
Impuesto a los millonarios genera grandes beneficios para pacientes de salud mental
Un impuesto estatal a los ricos ha impulsado significativamente los programas de salud mental en el condado más grande de California, ayudando a reducir la falta de vivienda, el encarcelamiento y la hospitalización.
California’s Tax On Millionaires Yields Big Benefits For People With Mental Illness, Study Finds
The research, focused on Los Angeles County, casts a positive light on a 2004 initiative that expanded mental health services statewide. A recent state audit, however, suggested hundreds of millions of dollars from the initiative were piling up, left unspent by counties.
Black Men’s Blood Pressure Is Cut Along With Their Hair
A new study shows that educational sessions about high blood pressure at African American barbershops, coupled with prescribing and helping to manage medication, reduced hypertension rates significantly.
Barberos logran cortar el pelo… y la presión arterial de sus clientes
Un estudio en Los Angeles comprobó que los barberos pueden jugar un rol crítico, ayudando a sus clientes a bajar su presión arterial entre charlas de salón y cortes de estilo.
Pobres y sin atención médica: la nueva realidad de los suburbios
Siempre se creyó que era un enclave de los ricos, pero hoy en día más de 17 millones de personas viven en los suburbios, en donde es un desafío encontrar un doctor.
Upsurge Of Suburban Poor Discover Health Care’s Nowhere Land
More low-income people now live in suburbs than in cities or rural areas, putting a strain on local health services. Suburbs, which traditionally have had fewer resources or infrastructure, are scrambling to catch up.
Despite Changes That Undermined ACA Enrollment, Marketplaces ‘Remarkably Stable’
A report issued by the National Academy for State Health Policy shows a small decrease in sign-ups last fall, but states running their own marketplaces did better than those that don’t.
La “máquina Gesundheit” recolecta virus para enfrentar a la feroz gripe
En la Universidad de Maryland, en College Park, estudiantes participan de un estudio que investiga cómo se disemina el virus de la gripe y otros gérmenes peligrosos.
The ‘Gesundheit Machine’ Collects Campus Cooties In Race Against A Fierce Flu
Environmental health professor Don Milton is studying how the flu — and other dangerous infections — are spread. The close quarters of dorm rooms and cafeterias at the University of Maryland provide him with a steady supply of research subjects.
Con incentivos en cupones de alimentos, ayudan a latinos a comer más sano
A través de recompensas monetarias, el programa “Más Fresco” en California ayuda a las familias de bajos recursos a comprar productos más saludables.
When Food Stamps Pass As Tickets To Better Health
A federally funded program is partnering with a Latino grocery chain to reward people who use their food stamps to put more fresh produce on their tables.
Despite Prod By ACA, Tax-Exempt Hospitals Slow To Expand Community Benefits
The Affordable Care Act mandated that hospitals exempt from taxes work to provide health benefits to the community. But a study finds that has been slow to get off the ground.
Los buenos amigos podrían ayudar a mantener un cerebro sano al envejecer
Nuevos estudios revelan que las relaciones positivas pueden ayudar a que no se deterioren las funciones cognitivas.
Good Friends Might Be Your Best Brain Booster As You Age
SuperAgers, men and women over age 80 with extraordinary memories, share a commitment to sustaining friendships.
El miedo compromete la salud y el bienestar de las familias inmigrantes
El clima político en derredor de la inmigración ha generado más estrés y temor en las familias que temen ser separadas por la deportación.
Fear Compromises The Health, Well-Being Of Immigrant Families, Report Finds
Interviews with immigrants from 15 countries and pediatricians in eight states reveal that fear of deportation is putting parents and children under heightened stress, impeding daily activities and jeopardizing long-term health.
Stopping Opioid Addiction At One Key Source: The Hospital
Based on research conducted at the University of Michigan’s medical center, a group of surgeons developed a strategy to help post-surgical patients from misusing or abusing their prescription painkillers.
If Your Insurer Covers Few Therapists, Is That Really Mental Health Parity?
Behavioral care was four times more likely to be out-of-network than medical or surgical care, an analysis by Milliman shows.
Alergia a la leche, una pesadilla médica… y financiera
Aunque menos publicitada, la alergia a la leche puede significar un grave problema de salud, y un gasto en atención médica enorme para la familia.