Date of Birth: Dec. 2, 1939.
Education: B.A., Utah State; J.D.; George Washington University.
Career Path: After serving in the Nevada State Assembly, Reid became lieutenant governor of Nevada and later chairman of the state’s Gaming Commission. While running the commission, his wife found a bomb attached to one of their cars. He was elected to the U.S. House in 1982 and the Senate in 1986. He has been the Senate Democratic leader since 2005.
Role in Health Care Reform, 1993-1994: Reid supported President Clinton’s plan.
Why He’s a Player Now: As the Democrats’ leader, Reid will work closely with the White House and committee chairmen on political strategy for passing health reform legislation, including whether to use budget reconciliation to pass a bill.
Quote: “By the end of this year, I want to do something significant dealing with health care.” (Washington Post, Feb. 26, 2009)
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