Latest KFF Health News Stories
Hey, Hey! Ho, Ho! Is Striking For School Nurses The Way To Go?
Inspired by Los Angeles teachers, who were promised 300 more school nurses after striking last month, unions in Denver, Oakland, Calif., and beyond are demanding more school nurses or better compensation for them.
More States Say Doctors Must Offer Overdose Reversal Drug Along With Opioids
In an emerging new tactic against the rising toll of opioid deaths, California, Ohio, Virginia and Arizona are among the states requiring physicians to offer patients naloxone when they give them prescriptions for the powerful painkillers. The Food and Drug Administration is weighing a national recommendation to do so.
Más allá del Medicare para Todos, estados demócratas impulsan nuevas leyes de salud
Nueva York busca replicar el modelo de San Francisco, que creó un programa de atención médica para todos sus residentes antes del Obamacare.
Beyond Beltway’s ‘Medicare-For-All’ Talk, Democrats In States Push New Health Laws
As calls for “Medicare-for-all” grow louder among Democrats in Congress, Democratic governors and mayors have been pushing ahead with urgency to corral medical costs and bring health care to those who remain uninsured.
Can California Beat The Federal Government In Lowering Drug Prices?
Unwilling to wait for federal action, California Gov. Gavin Newsom says he has a plan that could extract discounts from drugmakers and save the state money — one he hopes other states can join.
For California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, Resistance Is Personal
Xavier Becerra, the state’s first Latino attorney general, is one of President Donald Trump’s most relentless adversaries. He attributes his legal values — and his opposition to the current administration — to his upbringing as the son of Mexican immigrants.
Transparent Hospital Pricing Exposes Wild Fluctuation, Even Within Miles
A new federal rule requires hospitals to post their prices online. These lists reveal the wildly different charges for basic procedures and services, but consumers will have a hard time putting this information to use.
Task Force Outlines Strategy To Address California’s Shortfall Of Health Workers
A new report by a coalition of health, education and labor leaders concludes that the state must build a larger and more culturally diverse pool of medical, mental health and home care professionals to meet the needs of a growing population. The findings point to a big challenge for Gov. Gavin Newsom as he seeks to extend health insurance to many of California’s nearly 3 million uninsured residents.
Patients Suffer When Health Care Behemoths Quarrel Over Contracts
The latest example is Sutter Health and Anthem Blue Cross, whose failure to seal a deal is causing Anthem members to worry they may not have access to one of the dominant hospital chains in Northern California. Across the U.S., the stakes in such contract fights have risen, as health systems and insurers battle to increase their market share.
Nonprofit Dental Insurer Under Scrutiny For ‘Flagrant’ Spending
Delta Dental of California, with more than 36 million enrollees across the country, is looking to buy a stake in a for-profit insurance company based in Oregon. Consumer advocates are calling on regulators to scrutinize the transaction, arguing that it is just the latest questionable move by the nonprofit dental insurer whose corporate practices may be out of step with its tax-exempt status.
Caen en picada las nuevas inscripciones en Covered California
Las nuevas inscripciones cayeron casi un 24% para los planes de 2019. Algunos expertos dicen que esta baja no es una sorpresa.
New Covered California Sign-Ups Plummet
Even though the number of people renewing their Covered California health plans increased this year, new enrollment plunged by nearly a quarter compared with last year, posting a bigger drop than the federal health insurance exchange,, which saw a 16 percent decrease. Officials largely blame the elimination of the federal tax penalty for people without insurance.
California Attorney General And Santa Clara County Face Off Over Sale Of Two Hospitals
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra is trying to prevent Santa Clara County from buying two local nonprofit hospitals unless it pledges to maintain certain critical health care services. County officials warn the hospitals will close if the attorney general succeeds, leaving area residents with fewer health care choices.
Listen: ‘Death Certificate Project’ Aims At Opioid Crisis, But Doctors Cry Foul
A radio report on an effort in California to hold doctors responsible when a patient overdoses on opioids. Doctors say it is unfair, but the state medical board defends the new project.
¿Pueden los estados reparar el desastre que es el sistema de salud?
La legalización del matrimonio gay comenzó en algunos estados y se convirtió en una ley nacional. La marihuana parece seguir la misma ruta. ¿Podría ser el caso de la reforma sanitaria?
Analysis: Can States Fix The Disaster Of American Health Care?
The governor of California has proposed some big ideas. Who knows whether he can pull them off, but there’s reason for hope.
Pain From The Government Shutdown Spreads. This Time It’s Food Stamps
Food stamps for February are being distributed about two weeks early because officials say the federal money to pay for them won’t be available later due to the government shutdown. State and local officials are scratching their heads about what might happen in March if the impasse continues.
Call The Midwife! (If The Doctor Doesn’t Object)
Hospitals and medical practices are battling outdated stereotypes and sometimes their own doctors to hire certified nurse midwives. Research shows that women cared for by certified nurse midwives have fewer cesarean sections, which can produce significant cost savings for hospitals.
California’s Top Lawyer Cements His Role As Health Care Defender-In-Chief
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra scores a win for California and other states in his effort to block Trump administration birth control rules. It is one of many suits he has filed to defend the Affordable Care Act from efforts to erode it.
Providers Walk ‘Fine Line’ Between Informing And Scaring Immigrant Patients
Some doctors and clinics are proactively informing patients about a proposed policy that could jeopardize the legal status of immigrants who use public benefit programs such as Medicaid. Others argue that because this “public charge” proposal isn’t final — and may never be adopted — disseminating too much information could create unnecessary alarm and cause some patients to drop benefits.