Latest Morning Briefing Stories
Newsom’s Ambitious Health Care Agenda Crumbles In A ‘Radically Changed’ World
California Gov. Gavin Newsom charged into 2020 with ambitious — and expensive — proposals to increase health insurance coverage, reduce homelessness and tackle drug prices. Then came COVID-19.
Postal de la crisis: vendedores ambulantes de Los Angeles no pueden dejar de trabajar
A diferencia de la mayoría de los estadounidenses, que pronto recibirán cheques de estímulo, miles de trabajadores luchan en estos días por comer, pagar la renta y enviar dinero a sus familias.
Postcard From The Edge: L.A. Street Vendors Who Can’t Stop Working
Foot traffic in L.A. has fallen off a cliff amid the COVID-19 crisis, driving many street vendors away. But some are still on the streets, peddling their wares out of economic necessity. Many are undocumented immigrants who won’t get any help from the recently approved $2 trillion federal assistance package.
Nursing Homes Have Thousands Of Ventilators That Hospitals Desperately Need
The prospect raises a grim dilemma: Should doctors take people off life support in order to save COVID-19 patients who might recover?
Young People Weigh Pain Of Job Loss Against Risks Of Virus
Young adults are being hit hard in the COVID-19 economy, but many have mixed feelings about losing jobs that might otherwise put them in harm’s way in the midst of the pandemic.
Medicaid en el “ojo de la tormenta” por nuevos desempleados que buscan cobertura
Hay más de 6.6 millones que han perdido sus empleos a causa de la crisis económica que ha generado la pandemia. Muchos de estos nuevos desempleados pueden recurrir a Medicaid para sus familias.
Medicaid Nearing ‘Eye Of The Storm’ As Newly Unemployed Look For Coverage
The coronavirus outbreak has forced millions out of work and the federal-state health program for low-income people could face unprecedented strains as many states don’t necessarily have the resources or systems in place to meet the demand.
California Hospitals Face Surge With Proven Fixes And Some Hail Marys
California is entering the most critical period in its battle against COVID-19, and may need thousands of hospital beds and ventilators to accommodate a surge of critically ill patients. Hospitals are taking extreme measures, such as using 3D printers to make ventilator parts and turning cafeterias into wards.
“Esenciales” o no, estos trabajadores siguen en sus puestos
Entre las personas que siguen trabajando, sin el lujo de poder hacerlo desde casa, hay un alto porcentaje de trabajadores con salarios bajos, que ganan un promedio de $10,22 por hora.
California y COVID-19: hospitales se alistan para la crisis con acciones probadas y desesperadas
A medida que California ingresa al período más crítico contra COVID-19, los 416 hospitales, grandes y pequeños, públicos y privados, se esfuerzan por tener la capacidad necesaria para una avalancha de pacientes críticos.
‘Essential’ Or Not, These Workers Report For Duty
In Los Angeles County and beyond, people continue to toil through the coronavirus pandemic, often in positions that put them in constant contact with the public. Many are low-wage workers who can’t afford to stop working.
California’s New Attack On Opioid Addiction Hits Old Roadblocks
State officials in California have achieved some success in promoting the use of medication-assisted treatment for people with opioid addictions, but they are bumping up against familiar resistance and constraints.
The Nation’s 5,000 Outpatient Surgery Centers Could Help With The COVID-19 Overflow
A coalition of anesthesiologists wants to repurpose the country’s more than 5,000 surgery centers to serve as emergency overflow amid the coronavirus pandemic. The centers have trained medical staff largely sitting idle, anesthesia machines that could be turned into ventilators, and empty medical space. But obstacles such as federal payment rules, logistics and some skepticism are getting in the way.
Listen: How Hospitals Are Preparing For Surge In COVID-19 Patients
With coronavirus cases growing at a faster rate than anticipated, hospitals are scrambling to boost medical supplies and beds.
Médicos temen por sus familias, mientras luchan contra COVID-19 con poca armadura
Miles de médicos de todo el país escribieron una apasionada carta al Congreso pidiendo que se libere el equipo de protección personal de la Reserva Nacional Estratégica, para aquellos en la primera línea de batalla.
Physicians Fear For Their Families As They Battle Coronavirus With Too Little Armor
Doctors sent an impassioned, desperate letter to Congress describing the lack of protective equipment across the country — from masks to respirators to gowns to goggles. They’re using equipment from construction sites and home-repair stores or wearing the same mask from patient to patient. And they worry about what exposure without sufficient protection means for them and their families.
COVID-19: oficiales en California dicen que el confinamiento no funciona sin fuerza pública
El enfoque de no intervención de Newsom en la aplicación de la ley, que recurre a la presión social como principal herramienta para persuadir a las personas, amenaza con ralentizar el progreso de California.
California Isn’t Testing Enough Children For Lead, Prompting Legislation
A recent report by the California state auditor faults two state health departments for failing to ensure that children receive required blood lead tests and for not doing enough to reduce childhood lead exposure in high-risk areas. Lawmakers are proposing several measures to increase testing.
Public Health Officials To Newsom: Lockdown Won’t Work Without Enforcement
California Gov. Gavin Newsom was out front nationally when he ordered nearly all Californians to stay at home to stem the spread of COVID-19. But local officials warn it won’t work without tougher enforcement.
California Lawmakers Struggle To Conduct Business Amid COVID-19 Lockdown
In an interview with California Healthline, the state’s Senate leader, Toni Atkins, makes clear that with social-distancing measures in force it will be difficult to debate and pass complicated budget measures ― but public health, education and public safety will be priorities.