Latest Morning Briefing Stories
Cirugías estéticas y el mundo secreto de las “muñecas de Instagram”
Se llaman a sí mismas muñecas. Son pacientes de cirugía estética que documentan sus deseos y resultados en Instagram. Una comunidad cerrada con mensajes médicos, pero también marketing.
Brechas profundas: fronteras estatales resaltan la enorme disparidad en Medicaid
Las fronteras estatales se han convertido en líneas divisorias arbitrarias entre los que tienen Medicaid y los que no, y los pacientes con problemas financieros similares enfrentan destinos de salud muy diferentes.
Cosmetic Surgery And The Secret World of Instagram Dolls
An Instagram community of “doll pages” lets women find valuable information about body-sculpting journeys.
The Deep Divide: State Borders Create Medicaid Haves And Have-Nots
State borders can highlight Medicaid’s arbitrary coverage. On the Missouri side of the Mississippi River, low-income people struggle with untreated health issues. But on the Illinois side, people in similar straits can get health care because their state expanded its Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act.
Her Biopsy Report Was Benign. But The Bill Is A Spot Of Contention.
After a test to rule out cancer, Brianna Snitchler faced a $2,170 facility fee for the hospital’s radiology room used that day.
Listen: Five Oklahoma Hospitals Collapsed – What Happened?
KHN Midwest correspondent Lauren Weber joined StateImpact Oklahoma reporter Jackie Fortiér to discuss why a series of rural hospitals collapsed, leaving hundreds of residents without jobs and their communities without lifesaving emergency medical care.
KHN Files Lawsuit To Force Feds To Disclose Medicare Advantage Audits
The Freedom of Information Act lawsuit could spur the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to release audits that document up to $650 million in overcharges.
Insurers Test New Way To Cut Maternity Care Costs: Bundling
More insurers are experimenting with paying health care providers one lump sum to cover the cost of maternity care. Physicians and insurers hope the model — known as bundled payments — will help improve health outcomes.
KHN’s ‘What The Health?’: Impeachment And The Health Agenda
Washington is abuzz with impeachment talk, but what impact would such a move have on congressional action on prescription drug prices and surprise bills? Also, a study out this week shows that health insurance costs for both employers and workers continue to rise. This week, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Paige Winfield Cunningham of The Washington Post and Rebecca Adams of CQ Roll Call join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more.
Uber And Lyft Ride-Sharing Services Hitch Onto Medicaid
Ride-sharing companies promise better service for enrollees and lower costs for states. But the services are not for everyone on Medicaid.
As Health Care Costs Rise, Workers At Low-Wage Firms May Pay A Larger Share
People at companies with large numbers of people earning $25,000 or less faced bigger deductibles for single coverage and were asked to pony up a larger share of their income in premiums than those at other firms.
Cómo deberían prepararse los pasajeros por si se enferman o lesionan en altamar
Solo en un crucero de Royal Caribbean, el Oasis of the Seas, 561 pasajeros se enfermaron a causa del norovirus, un virus estomacal altamente contagioso.
Hill Hodgepodge: Pelosi Draws From Democrats, GOP And Trump For Drug Plan
The House speaker announced her plan for lowering drug prices, which includes negotiations between drugmakers and federal health officials.
How Cruise Ship Passengers Should Prepare For Sickness Or Injury At Sea
Passengers on massive cruise ships could be struck by norovirus or accidents ranging from falls to broken bones. Then what?
¿Qué fue peor: la borrachera de la despedida de soltero o la cuenta por tratar la resaca?
Recuperarse después de su despedida de soltero resultó en una factura médica que inicialmente fue de $12,460, en total. Más del doble del costo de su boda.
Which Was Worse: The Bachelor Party Hangover Or The Hangover From The ER Bill?
One groom’s bachelor party hangover illustrates how emergency room bills have become major headaches for many Americans.
Do 50 Million People Really Lose Health Coverage Each Year Because Of Their Jobs?
Sen Bernie Sanders’ statement during Thursday night’s Democratic debate serves up interesting data, with a side of misrepresentation.
KHN’s ‘What The Health?’: Despite Booming Economy, Uninsured Rate Ticks Up
Nearly 2 million more Americans were uninsured in 2018 than in the previous year, according to the Census Bureau’s annual report. Plus, the Trump administration announced plans to ban flavored vape liquids, and Congress is back and working to address high prescription drug prices and “surprise” medical bills. This week, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Tami Luhby of CNN and Rebecca Adams of CQ Roll Call join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more.
Qué pueden hacer hospitales y consultorios para que los adultos mayores estén más seguros
Para los adultos mayores, especialmente para los que son frágiles, los centros médicos pueden ser difíciles de navegar y, a veces, hasta peligrosos.
In Search Of Age-Friendly Health Care, Finding Room For Improvement
Simple alterations — like better signs, seating, parking or door design — can make it easier for older patients to navigate health care facilities. Here are several changes doctors’ offices, clinics and hospitals could make.