Latest Morning Briefing Stories
No Cash, No Heart. Transplant Centers Require Proof Of Payment.
The case of a Michigan woman told to fundraise $10,000 for a heart transplant sparked viral outrage, but experts say “wallet biopsies” are common.
Para los abuelos: nuevo Apple Watch monitorea caídas y el ritmo cardíaco
El nuevo dispositivo de Apple apunta a un grupo demógrafico distinto al de los fanáticos de la tecnología: los adultos mayores.
In Grandma’s Stocking: An Apple Watch To Monitor Falls, Track Heart Rhythms
The new-generation gadget is designed to alert and protect wearers from falls and heart problems, expanding Apple’s target audience beyond the usual, tech-savvy, early adopters to those with older tickers.
Medicare reduce pagos a hogares cuyos pacientes vuelven a ser hospitalizados
El gobierno federal reducirá los pagos de un año a casi 11,000 hogares cuyos pacientes vuelven al hospital con demasiada frecuencia.
Medicare Cuts Payments To Nursing Homes Whose Patients Keep Ending Up In Hospital
The incentive program to discourage nursing homes from discharging patients too quickly will also give bonuses to facilities with fewer rehospitalizations.
Readers And Tweeters Demand Action On Gun Violence, Mental Health Care Options
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Sales Reps May Be Wearing Out Their Welcome In The Operating Room
Do sales reps in the operating room lend helpful expertise or inflate already bloated costs? Depends on whom you ask.
Is Trump Pushing Health Insurance Innovation Or An ACA Rollback?
The Trump administration offered states specific examples of how they could change the way they implement the Affordable Care Act. Critics say it could drive up premiums for many.
Listen: Paying More For Your Health Insurance? Depends On Where You Live
As consumers weigh health insurance options during open enrollment, location matters. Some parts of the country are seeing drops in premiums while others are experiencing another year of sticker shock.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ Reading The Tea Leaves In Blue Wave’s Wake
In this episode of KHN’s “What the Health?” Mary Agnes Carey of Kaiser Health News, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times, Alice Ollstein of Politico and Anna Edney of Bloomberg News discuss the impact of House Democratic leadership elections and their impact on health policy; as well as efforts by the Trump administration to address high drug prices and ensure the safety of medical devices. Plus, Julie Rovner interviews KHN’s Jay Hancock about the latest “Bill of the Month.”
Democrats Winning Key Leadership Jobs Have Taken Millions From Pharma
Top House Republican also received more than $1 million from drugmakers since 2007.
Watch: Why Infusion Drugs Come With Sticker Shock
The story of an Ohio mom who faced an outrageous bill for a new medicine for multiple sclerosis is the latest installment in the “Bill of the Month” series, an ongoing crowdsourced investigation by KHN and NPR.
Chronically Ill, Traumatically Billed: The $123,000 Medicine For MS
Shereese Hickson’s doctor wanted her to try the infusion drug Ocrevus for her multiple sclerosis. Even though Hickson is trained as a medical billing coder, she was shocked to see two doses of the drug priced at $123,019, with her share set at $3,620.
One Twin’s Difficult Birth Puts A Project Designed To Reduce C-Sections To The Test
A woman had twins in a hospital south of Boston, and for doctors aiming to reduce cesarean sections, the second baby’s tricky arrival tested the limits of teamwork.
Comprar planes de salud de corto plazo, ¿es inteligente o no?
La administración Trump impulsa estos planes que no cumplen con los requisitos de ACA de proteger a los pacientes con condiciones preexistentes.
Fish Oil Drug Looks Heart-Healthy. Just Don’t Swallow It Hook, Line And Sinker.
The complete findings of a recent study show the FDA-approved drug Vascepa reduced the likelihood of cardiovascular death, stroke and other heart conditions in some patients. But science didn’t find the same promise for over-the-counter fish oil supplements when tested in healthy people.
Buyers Of Short-Term Health Plans: Wise Or Shortsighted?
Policyholders reason that their health is good — for now — and they don’t see the need for costly comprehensive coverage. Detractors say the plans undermine the Affordable Care Act, and agents advise reading the fine print. “You basically have to be in perfect health,” says one.
New Congress To Tackle Burning Health Care Issues, Including Drug Prices
KHN’s Sarah Jane Tribble discusses the twists and turns with CBS News.
Measure To Cap Dialysis Profits Pummeled After Record Spending By Industry
The dialysis industry raised nearly $111 million in a successful bid to defeat the measure, which also was opposed by hospitals and doctors. The union that sponsored the measure collected about one-sixth that amount.
House Dems In New Seats Of Power Will Steer Health Policy, Attack Drug Prices
Democrats, who have a history of championing the Affordable Care Act and railing about drug prices, will now chair several house committees.