President Trump Wouldn’t Have To Wait For Congress To Undo Much Of The Health Law
Since President Barack Obama has used executive authority many times to help stabilize the law, Donald Trump could likely reverse those decisions and undermine the law.
Would California’s Proposed Tobacco Tax Hike Reduce Smoking?
When New York increased its cigarette tax, smoking rates declined. California’s proposed increase of $2 a pack may, too, say researchers. The higher the tax, the more likely people are to quit.
Election Buzz: Critics Of Legal Pot Say Addiction Becomes ‘A Disease Of The Family’
As more states consider legalizing recreational marijuana, families consider what messages to present to young people about using pot. Should it be avoidance, moderation or acceptance? Differing views from Arizona and Oregon.
Election Buzz: With Pot On The Ballot, States Weigh How To Police Stoned Drivers
Blood tests for marijuana aren’t an accurate measure of impairment for drivers, and there isn’t an easy roadside sobriety test for pot yet. The five states where recreational marijuana is on the ballot may be looking to Colorado for its experiences with the DUI problem soon.
Election Buzz: A Look At Brain Science As 5 States Vote On Legalizing Pot
Recreational marijuana is on the ballot in five states in November. What do we know about pot’s effects on the brain?
In Arizona, Health Law’s Gains And Losses Play In Presidential Race
Clinton has offered detailed plans to preserve and expand the law, while Trump has vowed to “repeal and replace Obamacare so quickly.”
Veterans Courted In California’s Ballot Fight Over Curbing Drug Prices
The initiative would prohibit California state agencies from paying more for a prescription drug than what the Department of Veterans Affairs pays. Both sides are deploying veterans’ sympathetic and trusted image to win over voters.
Candidates Decry High Drug Prices, But They Have Few Options For Voters
Drug prices rise for a variety of reasons but opportunities for the government to control them is limited.
Campaign For Universal Health Care In Colorado Seeks Bernie Sanders’ Help
An initiative on the state’s November ballot would establish a single-payer health plan. Supporters hope to lure Sanders to help get out the vote.
Clinton Veep Pick Tim Kaine Bolstered Mental Health System After Va. Tech Shooting
As a Democratic senator and governor, Tim Kaine has backed the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid expansion and better access to mental health treatment for people in crisis.
Mike Pence’s Health Policy Record Is A Mixed Bag
As governor of Indiana, Mike Pence expanded Medicaid with conservative tweaks, responded to an HIV outbreak with a limited needle-exchange program and signed one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country.
Hospital Finance Measure On California Ballot May Stump Voters
Proposition 52 would permanently enshrine a significant source of funding for hospitals and limit lawmakers’ ability to change it.
Democrats Unite, But What Happened To ‘Medicare For All’?
Advocates for a single payer health care system say it would be more efficient, but other analysts predict that such an unprecedented change could be extremely disruptive to a key part of the nation’s economy.
Obama Renews Call For A Public Option In Health Law
The president made the proposal as part of a comprehensive look at the Affordable Care Act’s legacy in an article under his byline in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Sounds Like A Good Idea? Regulating Drug Prices
Presidential candidates from both parties have proposals they say would help lower the cost of prescription drugs. But most experts say that efforts to regulate prices might not end up saving much money.
As Marijuana Legalization Initiative Heads For Calif. Ballot, Health Groups Weigh In
Health experts remain divided on legalizing marijuana for recreational use.
House Republicans Unveil Long-Awaited Plan To Replace Health Law
The proposal includes many details, but key questions about cost remain unanswered.
Report From Key Calif. Agency Raises Concerns About Proposal To Cut Drug Prices
Staff researchers at California’s largest public buyer of health benefits say the goal of reducing drug costs for the state is appealing but might not work in the real world.
Five Health Issues Presidential Candidates Aren’t Talking About — But Should Be
The U.S. faces a variety of serious concerns beyond just the future of the federal health law.
Sounds Like A Good Idea? Selling Insurance Across State Lines
Republicans have long touted a proposal to allow insurers to sell across state lines as a way to help keep coverage costs down. But there are some significant obstacles to making such a system work, as this video points out.