Latest Morning Briefing Stories
A Success Story: Expanding Health Care Options For Detroit’s Poor-The KHN Interview
Dr. Herbert Smitherman talks about the Voices of Detroit Initiative that tracked 33,000 uninsured people and helped get more than half of them into coordinated care systems.
Located in one of the nation’s most medically underserved areas, St. John’s Well Child and Family Center is bracing for GOP-backed Medicaid cuts that the facility’s director says would be disastrous.
When it comes to controlling rising health care costs, we face an urgent problem that leads to a simple question: Is there a smart idea that can be done now? Yes. It’s called “Paying for Outcomes.”
Florida Legislature Passes Massive Medicaid Overhaul
Arguing that the proposal will save tax dollars and improve patient care, Republican lawmakers Friday approved a massive overhaul of Florida’s Medicaid system.
Debating Medicaid Block Grants
Columnists Harold Pollack and Michael F. Cannon contribute very different opinions on the Republican proposal to fundamentally change Medicaid.
The president and the Republicans agree that balancing the federal budget is impossible without restraining Medicaid spending. That will be much easier if we could stop pretending that every single Medicaid enrollee needs to be there.
The Real Impact Of Cutting Medicaid — Just When We Need It The Most (Guest Opinion)
The recent policy debate surrounding the health care safety net seems predicated on the philosophy that we must sharply shrink government despite the accompanying human costs. That vision is most congenial to those who feel comfortable and safe without public help.
Democrats, Advocacy Groups Campaign Against Medicaid Block Grants
In the continuing Democratic assault on the House GOP’s 2012 budget bill, a group of senators today warned of dire consequences on the plan to transform Medicaid into a block grant program.
Community Health Centers To ‘Turn The Promise Of Coverage’ Into Better Care-The KHN Interview
Dan Hawkins, senior vice president of the centers’ national association, says influx of federal funding is helping them to reach out to more people.
Insurers Clash With Health Providers As States Expand Medicaid Managed Care
Many states are trying to restrain Medicaid spending by putting more people into managed care plans, but with billions of dollars at stake, insurers and health providers are lobbying hard for their interests.
There Aren’t Enough Rich People To Pay For Medicare And Medicaid! — Guest Opinion
This country is in such a hole that it is senseless to deny that some new taxes will be needed to pay for all of the nation’s accumulated debts. But folks, we can’t just tax our way out of this mess.
Nursing Home Industry Leader Worries About Cuts To Medicare, Medicaid
Too few resources are available to handle the predicted explosion in the number of elderly, says Mark Parkinson, head of the largest nursing home lobby.
Governors’ Letter Shows Why Medicaid Block Grants Are Necessary — Guest Opinon
Seventeen governors sent a letter to congressional leaders in opposition to a plan by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to convert Medicaid into a block grant program. But their criticisms fall flat.
The Ryan Plan: An Attempt To Reduce Health Care Spending, But At A High Cost
The GOP vision for health care reform, as expressed by Rep. Paul Ryan, R- Wis., is to limit federal health care spending to levels far below what they are today, and then let individuals make the best of it. The federal health law not only offers a more realistic approach to controlling costs, but a more humane one.
Obama’s Deficit Plan: A ‘Nuanced Approach’ And ‘So Partisan’
Eight health policy experts review the president’s proposals to cut the deficit while preserving Medicare and Medicaid.
Health On The Hill Transcript: Obama Hits Back At GOP On Health Proposals
Obama laid out his plans for preserving Medicare while cutting spending in the program, and he also rejected a Republican plan to give states block grants for Medicaid.
Health On The Hill – Obama Hits Back At GOP Deficit Plan On Medicare, Medicaid
KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey and Marilyn Werber Serafini talk with Jackie Judd about President Obama’s speech outlining his plans for reducing the deficit, especially focusing on health care spending. He slammed the Republican plan, saying it would leave “seniors at the mercy of the insurance industry,” and he rejected GOP ideas to give states block grants for Medicaid.
Excerpts: President Obama On The Deficit And Health Care Spending
President Obama on Wednesday spoke about reining in health care spending in Medicare and Medicaid as part of his proposal to reduce the federal deficit. Here are excerpts:
Document: Obama’s Proposal On Deficit Reduction – Health Care Section
Obama proposes holding Medicare cost growth down by strengthening the Independent Payment Advisory Board and making Medicaid more flexible without using block grants.
Federal Medicaid Teams Deployed To Help States Cut Costs Get Mixed Reviews
Nearly half of the states have received some type of help, including 11 states with Republican governors.