Latest KFF Health News Stories
Voters’ Voices: Three Reagan Democrats Talk Medicare
The Reagan Democrats of the 1980s are older and and many are on Medicare, a program that the GOP wants to alter dramatically. Do they still hold true to the Gipper’s smaller government ethos, even if it might mean big changes to the program for seniors and the disabled?
Health Policy Finds Its Way Into Town Hall Debate
Even when the questions aren’t about health care, many of the responses are. Here’s what Obama and Romney had to say Tuesday night about contraception, Medicare and the health law.
Study Finds Premium Support Plan Could Raise Medicare Premiums In Many Parts of Country
Seniors in both traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans would be affected by the change, according to research that looks at how a voucher system would have worked in 2010.
VP Debate: Two Visions For Medicare
Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan laid out their parties’ competing visions for Medicare at the vice presidential debate in Danville, Ky., on Thursday.
Federal Retiree Weighs Whether To Keep FEHB Or Switch To Medigap
Insurance columnist answers readers’ questions about federal workers’ best deal on supplementing Medicare and signing up for Medicare if you’re living abroad.
Critical Decisions Await Patient, Family Members When Medicare Deadline Looms
Every day, at least 10,000 people turn 65 and most become eligible for Medicare. That can raise lots of questions: for those still working, should they enroll or keep their company’s health plan? If they retire, how does that affect spouses and children?
Denver Debate: The Candidates Discuss Medicare
Medicare and how to rein in its rapidly growning costs was a major focus of Wednesday night’s presidential debate in Denver between President Barack Obama and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney.
Denver Debate: Obama And Romney On ‘Obamacare’
The bulk of Wednesday night’s presidential debate in Denver focused on the topic of health care. In this segment, President Barack Obama and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney discuss the 2010 health law.
Medicare Revises Hospitals’ Readmissions Penalties
Federal officials made small errors in calculating how much hospitals will be docked for having too many patients return within 30 days. Many hospitals will lose a bit more money under revised calculations.
Hospitals Need Networks To Prevent Readmissions
The federal government wants many hospitals to adopt a model like Denver Health, which keeps readmissions low through its own network of neighborhood clinics.
Poll: Younger Americans More Receptive Than Seniors To GOP Medicare Plan
Among those under 55, a majority want to keep the current program, but 44 percent prefer switching to premium support
Analysis: Access To Health Care Beginning To Look Like Airline Travel
This metaphor may be useful in decoding the gradations and complexities of insurance coverage and access to care.
House Republicans Attack Obama Administration On Medicare Advantage
In this edition of Health on the Hill, KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey interviews CQ Roll Call’s Emily Ethridge about today’s House Ways and Means health subcommittee hearing on the health law’s cuts to the private Medicare Advantage program.
Obama, Ryan Offer Dueling Visions Of Medicare To AARP Members
Both candidates portray themselves as protectors of the popular entitlement program and argue their rivals’ plans would undermine it.
Medicare Battle Heats Up California House Race
A recent town hall shows how explosive the Medicare debate can get in the hottest races in the country.
Hospital Readmission Rates Dropping Slightly, New Study Finds
A new government analysis has found that hospital readmission rates of Medicare patients have fallen more than previously reported, bolstering hope that hospitals are having some success at tackling this stubborn and expensive problem. Hospital readmissions have been getting extensive attention as a new penalty program kicks in next month, which will cost hospitals as […]
Here’s a summary of President Barack Obama’s record on a range of health care issues, including Medicare.
Obama: ‘I Will Never Turn Medicare Into A Voucher’
In their acceptance speeches Thursday night, President Obama and Vice President Biden both denounced Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan for Medicare as a “voucher.”
Bill Clinton On Medicare: ‘There Were No Cuts To Benefits At All’
As part of his 50-minute defense of the Obama administration’s record, the former president praised Obama’s health policies, asking, “Are we better off because President Obama fought for health care reform? You bet we are.”
Are Medicare’s New Quality Incentives Large Enough To Change Hospital Behavior?
In October, hospitals stand to gain or lose as much as 1 percent of reimbursements. But experts say most will break even.