Latest KFF Health News Stories
New Group To Set Priorities for Medical Effectiveness Research
Congress is betting more than $3 billion over the next decade that “comparative effectiveness” research can transform medical care by helping determine the best approach to a particular illness.
United Against Health Law, Medicare Reforms Divide GOP Presidential Candidates
KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey and Marilyn Werber Serafini talk with Jackie Judd about Tuesday’s New Hampshire GOP primary. The GOP field is united in their opposition against Obama’s Health Law, but differences remain in how they would reform Medicare.
Lawsuit Accuses Company Of Fraudulently Cycling Patients Through Nursing Homes, Hospice Care
Whistleblowers allege that AseraCare improperly channeled people to gain maximum Medicare reimbursements. In a separate suit, federal attorneys say the company pressured employees to enroll patients in hospice who weren’t dying.
Senior Correspondent Jordan Rau Discusses What 2012 Will Hold For Health Care
KHN reporters preview some of the big issues coming this year: KHN Senior Correspondent Jordan Rau says he’ll be keeping an eye on how Medicare proposes to change how it pays hospitals after changes in the health law.
Medicare: Who Said That? The Answer Sheet
Here are the details regarding not only who said what about Medicare, but when and where.
Senate, House Remain At Odds Over ‘Doc Fix’ Dilemma
A Senate-passed bill to stop a Medicare physician pay cut, among other provisions like a payroll tax cut extension, was denied a vote by House Republicans Tuesday afternoon. Until lawmakers pass legislation to avert it, doctors are facing a 27 percent pay cut at the beginning of next year.
KHN Used CMS Readmission Rates And Patients’ Income For Analysis
The examination found that hospitals with the largest share of poor patients were 2.7 times as likely to have high readmission rates.
Medicare Penalties For Readmissions Could Be A Tough Hit On Hospitals Serving The Poor
Federal officials are seeking to make sure patients get the care they need after discharge. But the new policy is likely to disproportionately affect hospitals that treat the most low-income patients, according to a Kaiser Health News analysis.
The Revolving Door Of Readmissions
Ralph Rust’s decade-long struggle to stay out of hospitals involves some of the factors that cause patients to be readmitted frequently. For years he was hospitalized as often as three times a month.
Gingrich Defends Record, Praises Ryan-Wyden Medicare Plan
Both Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney welcomed the Ryan-Wyden plan, announced yesterday. Gingrich went on defense after Rep. Michele Bachmann questioned him on his record on abortion legislation while he was in the House of Representatives.
Analysis: Wyden-Ryan Plan Could Neutralize Medicare In 2012 Election
Supporting this new proposal may help congressional Republicans to distance themselves from an earlier, controversial plan.
How Lawsuits Can Stymie Some Automatic Cuts
Advocates for the elderly and disabled have been able to thwart budget cuts in California by challenging them in federal court.
Hospitals Try To Control Readmissions, Even When It Hurts Profits
Patients with multiple chronic conditions benefit from a new clinic at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York. But the hospital says it bears too much of the costs to keep discharged patients from returning.
Berwick: Don’t Blame Medicare, Medicaid. It’s The Delivery System
The former Medicare administrator says the U.S. health care system “isn’t built for modern times,” but the health care law will help rein in costs and improve care.
Transcript: Donald Berwick on Medicare, Medicaid, ‘Rationing’ and Who Decides
Edited selections from KHN’s interview with former CMS Administrator Donald Berwick.
GOP Candidates Dispute Gingrich, Romney Records On Individual Mandate
At Saturday night’s debate in Des Moines, the GOP presidential candidates spent a considerable amount of time discussing the 2010 health law. In the debate’s most talked-about moment, Mitt Romney offered to bet Rick Perry $10,000 that what Perry was saying about Romney’s book wasn’t correct.
Document: GOP Payroll Tax Bill – Summary, Text Of Health Care Sections
On Friday, Dec. 9, House Republicans unveiled the “Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act,” which avoid the scheduled cut to Medicare reimbursement rates for physicians – the “doc fix.”
When ‘Critical Access’ Hospitals Are Not So Critical
A Medicare program intended to preserve “critical access” to rural hospitals may have grown beyond that goal, possibly keeping open hospitals that should close.
Medicare Offers Extra Enrollment Time For Seniors Who Call Today
Extra time is limited only to seniors who have had trouble signing up and contact one of several organizations that are working to help beneficiaries.
Clock Is Ticking for ‘Doc Fix,’ Medicare ‘Extenders’
In today’s Health on the Hill, Jackie Judd and KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey discuss the prospects for an agreement this month on Medicare reimbursement rates, and what happens if nothing is done before the end of the year.