Latest KFF Health News Stories
Podcast: What The Health? Senate Health Bill 2.0. Still On Life Support
Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Sarah Kliff of, and Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times discuss the changes to the proposed Senate health bill.
Podcast: What The Health? Why Is This Stuff So Complicated?
Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times and Paige Winfield Cunningham of The Washington Post discuss the state of the Senate’s effort to replace Obamacare.
Podcast: What The Health? Senate Bill Sparks Fireworks Before The Fourth
Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times and Paige Winfield Cunningham of The Washington Post discuss the state of the Senate’s effort to replace Obamacare.
Take Our Quiz To Test Your Wits On Aging
As we get older, it helps to tickle the noggin with trivia. Here’s a pop quiz to see what you have learned as a regular reader of Kaiser Health News.
On The Air With KHN: Senate Republicans Release Health Care Bill
KHN senior correspondent Mary Agnes Carey appears on the PBS NewsHour to analyze legislation being considered in the Senate to overhaul the federal health law.
Not Your Average Senators: Meet The GOP Men Reshaping Your Health Care
The Senate’s version of the American Health Care Act was revealed Thursday. Here’s an insider’s look at the men who drafted it.
As Government-Funded Cancer Research Sags, Scientists Fear U.S. Is ‘Losing Its Edge’
More of the research studies being presented at the world’s largest annual gathering of cancer scientists comes from abroad.
Quiz: Help Us Take The Pulse Of Our Readers
Even the most exalted among us realize health care policy is complicated. Here’s a pop quiz to see what you have learned as a regular reader of Kaiser Health News.
On The Air With KHN: Obamacare Replacement Bill Heads To The Senate
In a variety of broadcasts, Kaiser Health News and California Healthline reporters discuss the bill passed by the House to change the Affordable Care Act.
Sounds Like A Good Idea? High-Risk Pools
A KHN video looks at a Republican plan to establish a federal high-risk insurance pool.
2 Health Care Issues Collide On Capitol Hill And The Result Is Confusion
KHN’s Julie Rovner talks to WBUR’s Robin Young about the new Republican proposal for the health law replacement bill and the controversy over continuing federal funding for cost-sharing subsidies for low-income marketplace customers.
Another Circle Of Hell: Surviving Opioids In The Fentanyl Era
Unlike heroin, fentanyl routinely shuts down breathing in seconds, and it’s becoming more common.
On The Air With KHN: What’s Next For The Affordable Care Act?
Reporters with Kaiser Health News and California Healthline have appeared on numerous radio and television shows in recent days to assess what’s next for the health law.
In Deep-Blue State, Millions in Reddish Heartland Are Counting On Medicaid
The prospect of cutbacks has led to agitation and activism in California’s largely agricultural Central Valley, with relatively high poverty rates and a significant number of Trump voters.
¿Habla el idioma de la ley de salud? Haga click en los globos para aprenderlo
La siguiente es una guía simple para entender el lenguaje complicado que usan los políticos para referirse a temas clave del Obamacare y la nueva propuesta republicana de salud.
Do You Speak Repeal And Replace? Click Thought Bubbles For Translations
Want to understand the complicated lingo surrounding the ongoing battle over the Affordable Care Act? We’ve got the guide for you.
Video Highlights: Trump Promises To Lower Cost Of Health Insurance
President Trump called on Republicans and Democrats to work together to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Luke Whitbeck’s life was saved by a rare disease drug, but it costs $300,000 a year.
A Guide To Budget Reconciliation: The Byzantine Rules For Disassembling The Health Law
Republicans, who don’t have the votes to repeal the ACA directly, are hoping to use this strict budget strategy that requires only a majority vote to strip the health law of provisions they oppose.
Republicans Standing Behind Price
KHN’s Julie Rovner is interviewed on WBUR’s “Here and Now” about the Senate Finance Committee’s hearing on the nomination of Rep. Tom Price to head HHS, as well as President Donald Trump’s recent executive order on the health law.