Mitt Romney To Give ‘Big’ Health Care Speech
The address, which will be given in Michigan on Thursday, is seen as the GOP presidential hopeful's effort to confront what is seen as his key vulnerability health reform. It will include his own plan to replace the new health law with more targeted changes that give states more responsibility in caring for the poor, elderly and ill.
The Washington Post: Romney To Confront His Critics In A Speech On Health Care
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, who is seen as a possible front-runner for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, on Thursday will confront the issue that poses his greatest political risk: health care (Tumulty, 5/10).
The Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire: Romney To Delivery Health-Care Speech
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will seek to blunt a major criticism Republican primary voters harbor against him by delivering a health care speech in Michigan on Thursday that lays out a plan to replace the new national health care law with other, more targeted changes (O'Connor, 5/10).
The Associated Press: Romney To Address Health Care In Michigan
Mitt Romney will deliver a speech about health care this week, tackling one of his biggest vulnerabilities before formally entering the still-forming field of Republican presidential contenders. The former Massachusetts governor will outline a health overhaul that would give states the responsibility of taking care of the poor, uninsured and ill, aides said, and propose giving patients a tax deduction if they buy their own health insurance (Elliott, 5/10).
Politico: Mitt Romney To Give Big Health Care Speech In Michigan
Mitt Romney's major health care speech on Thursday has a single goal: ending the current fixation on "RomneyCare." Donors ask about the Massachusetts health care law in private fundraisers. The ladies of "The View" asked Romney to explain it when he went on to try and sell his book. His triumphant return to New Hampshire back in March resulted in a crush of stories about it. After a foreign policy speech in Las Vegas in April, an audience member asked about health care instead (Hunt, 5/10).
ABC: Mitt Romney To Lay Out Health Reform Plan Thursday
As governor in 2006, Romney signed Massachusetts' bipartisan health reform law. It required everyone in the state to obtain health insurance and became a model for the controversial law that national Democrats enacted for the entire country in 2010. ... Romney's greatest hurdle as a Republican presidential candidate will be squaring his status as the father of health reform in Massachusetts with the near-unanimous opposition the national law faces among Republicans (Berman and Walter, 5/10).