Finance Committee Expected To Back Price Along Party Lines In Tuesday Vote
And The New York Times offers a look at the controversy surrounding the Trump administration nominee to head the Department of Health and Human Service in advance of the panel's vote this week.
The Associated Press:
Senate Panel To Vote On Trump's Pick For Health Secretary
Republicans have scheduled a Tuesday vote by the Senate Finance Committee on President Donald Trump's nominee for health secretary. Trump's pick is GOP Rep. Tom Price of Georgia, and the Republican-run committee is expected to back Price along party lines. In his new post, Price will help lead the GOP drive to scrap President Barack Obama's health care law and enact still-uncertain Republican plans to replace it. (1/29)
The New York Times:
Trump’s Pick For Health Secretary Under Scrutiny For Investments
Representative Tom Price of Georgia, President Trump’s choice for secretary of Health and Human Services, has been assailed by Democrats in recent weeks over his investment in health care companies at the same time that he pushed legislation that could have benefited those businesses. ... As Mr. Price awaits a confirmation vote, which could come next week, here is what we know about his investments, and whether his activities could have broken any laws or ethics rules. (Thomas, 1/27)