Democrat Uses Ultrasound Bill Against Opponent For Va. Lieutenant Governor Race
Republican Jill Holtzman Vogel sponsored the 2012 bill that would have required most women who get abortions to first undergo a vaginal ultrasound.
The Washington Post:
Much-Lampooned Ultrasound Bill Revived In Race For Va. Lieutenant Governor
Democrat Justin Fairfax used an infamous Virginia antiabortion bill to go after Republican Jill Holtzman Vogel on Wednesday, when the two rivals for lieutenant governor faced off at a candidate forum. Vogel, a state senator from Fauquier County, sponsored a 2012 bill that would have required most women who get abortions to first undergo a vaginal ultrasound. (Vozzella, 8/9)
Meanwhile, in Alabama —
The Associated Press:
Alabama Wants To Reinstate Hearings For Pregnant Girls
Alabama’s top prosecutor said the state is going to appeal a federal judge’s ruling that struck down a one-of-a-kind law in which minors seeking court permission for an abortion could be put through a hearing where the fetus could get a lawyer and a district attorney could question the pregnant girl’s maturity. (Chandler, 8/9)