Cruz To Offer Amendment To ‘Defund’ Health Law
The amendment to the continuing resolution -- a bill to fund the federal government after March 27 -- will be offered by freshman Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, when the Democrat-controlled Senate considers the measure. Cruz's action is not expected to go anywhere, but it comes amid conservative griping that GOP lawmakers are not doing enough to block the law.
Politico: Cruz Amendment Would Defund Obamacare
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) will offer an amendment to the continuing resolution – the bill to keep the government open after March 27 — that would defund the Affordable Care Act. "The very first priority of every elected official—Democrat and Republican—should be restoring economic growth, so we can ensure continued strength, prosperity, and opportunity for the next generations," Cruz said in a statement. "Obamacare does precisely the opposite. It is already hurting small businesses, reducing the hours Americans are allowed to work, forcing employers to drop coverage, and leading to substantial increases in healthcare premiums—especially for young people" (Gibson, 3/6).
The Hill: Cruz: Spending Bill Must Defund Obama Healthcare Law
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Wednesday that he will object to a government spending bill if it does not cut off funds for President Obama's signature healthcare law. Cruz, a staunchly conservative freshman, said he will offer an amendment to delay the flow of funds to implement the healthcare law when the Senate takes up a continuing resolution to fund the federal government (Baker, 3/6).
Kaiser Health News: Capsules: House Spending Bill Cuts Funding For Exchanges
You don't hear much these days about Republicans trying to repeal the 2010 health care law. The Supreme Court ruling last June upheld most of the measure. President Obama's re-election and Democrats' continued control of the Senate have helped "Obamacare" implementation to move ahead. But there is one way to slow things down: use the power of the purse (Carey, 3/7).
Politico: Right Jabs GOP's Inaction On Obamacare
Once again, conservatives are unhappy with how congressional Republicans are handling a fiscal fight in Congress. This time, their ire is because Republicans aren't trying hard enough to defund, or at least whittle away at, the Affordable Care Act by attaching language to the continuing resolution that passed the House on Wednesday (Gibson, 3/7).