CMS: Doughnut Hole Provision In Health Law Has Saved Seniors $4B
According to the Obama administration, seniors have saved on average $629 on their medications during the first half of this year.
The Hill: HHS: Health Law Has Saved Seniors Nearly $4B On Medications
The Obama administration touted the health care law Wednesday for saving seniors billions of dollars on prescription drugs. The Medicare agency released figures showing that millions of seniors and people with disabilities have saved $3.9 billion on medications since the law was enacted. The data also showed that since the beginning of the year, more than 1 million Medicare beneficiaries have saved an average of $629 on prescriptions in the "doughnut hole" coverage gap (Viebeck, 7/25).
CQ Healthbeat: CMS Releases New Donut Hole Numbers
The Obama administration continues to tout the impact of the health care overhaul on Medicare recipients who have up to now fallen into the prescription drug coverage gap. Out Wednesday with new figures, the administration says that in the first half of the year, more than 1 million beneficiaries have saved an average of $629 on their medicine. Since the law was passed in 2010, officials said, more than 5.2 million seniors and people with disabilities have saved more than $3.9 billion on prescription drugs. Under the law, the so-called Part D donut hole is gradually being closed -- first with a rebate check, then drug discounts. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services says the coverage gap for brand name and generic drugs will be eliminated by 2020 (7/25).
Baltimore Sun: Maryland Seniors Save $56.5 Million In Prescription Drug Charges Under Health Reform
Seniors in Maryland have saved $56.5 million on prescription drug costs because of a provision under health care reform that has eased the Medicare donut hole, new government data has found. The savings were achieved with rebates and discounts to ease the burden of the donut hole, when patients reach certain limits that require them to pay 100 percent of their prescription drug costs. The $56.5 million in savings has occurred since health reform was adopted, according to The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. In the first half of this year 15,784 seniors with Medicare in Maryland saved $10.3 million (Walker, 7/25).