Multinational HIV/AIDS Advocacy Group Forms, Asks Congress for Funding to Help Africa
Various groups from around the world yesterday offically announced the formation of the Global AIDS Alliance, launching a three-pronged campaign to "accelerate action to reverse the global HIV/AIDS pandemic." GAA Co-Director Dr. Paul Zeitz said, "Using the combined voices and actions of our constituencies, the GAA is committed to generating the political will that is necessary to ensure that an expanded and comprehensive response to the HIV/AIDS crisis is implemented and achieves results. ... The work that we have to do together is immense. But the energy and commitment of our expanding number of partners is even greater" (GAA release, 3/29). As part of its first action, the group announced an effort to convince Congress to approve $2.5 billion to fight AIDS in Africa. Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-Minn.) said, "The all-out effort to sort of bring this issue one inch away from everybody's face around the country, I want to lend my support to that" (Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 3/30). The group also intends to launch the Meds-for-All campaign to build on work already completed by treatment access groups, as well as another campaign in which the group will assist the Jubilee coalitions, an "international movement" calling for debt cancellation for countries that are unable to pay, with their debt-relief initiatives (Brown, ReutersHealth, 3/29). The GAA also will co-sponsor the "Stop-Global-AIDS-Now" rally and march in New York City on June 23, coinciding with the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS. The GAA comprises the following initial collaborating partners: African Services Committee, AFRICARE, American Jewish World Service, Black Church Communal Network, Constituency for Africa, Drop-the-Debt Campaign, Health Gap Coalition, Jubilee USA Network, Malawi Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS, Pan African Charismatic Evangelical Congress, Student Global AIDS Campaign and the United Methodist Church (GAA release, 3/29).
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