Botswana, Barbados Agree To Cooperate To Exchange HIV/AIDS Expertise, Research
Botswana President Festus Mogae and Barbados Prime Minister Owen Arthur on Wednesday in Bridgetown, Barbados, signed an agreement to cooperate in the fight against HIV/AIDS, the Barbados Advocate reports (Barbados Advocate, 2/24). Mogae and Arthur agreed that their countries should share strategies in areas such as HIV/AIDS research and prevention, according to the AP/ According to UNAIDS, Barbados has an HIV/AIDS prevalence of 1.5%, and Botswana has a prevalence of 37% (AP/, 2/23). The Caribbean region has the second-highest HIV/AIDS prevalence in the world after sub-Saharan Africa (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 3/9/04).
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