Newspapers Respond to Bush’s Request for $30B, Five-Year Extension of PEPFAR
The Boston Globe and New York Times on Friday published editorials in response to President Bush's recent request for a $30 billion, five-year extension of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Summaries appear below.
Boston Globe: Bush "will deserve high marks" from historians "for his leadership in mobilizing U.S. aid to fight AIDS overseas," a Globe editorial says. PEPFAR funding "goes not just to the president's plan but also to the Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria," the editorial says, concluding, "Continued support for the president's plan and the Global Fund will ensure that Bush's legacy includes this noble chapter" (Boston Globe, 6/1).
- New York Times: "The battle against AIDS has been one of the few shining spots in the Bush administration's otherwise dismal foreign policy," a Times editorial says. Although PEPFAR "remains burdened by restrictions," the "primary need is billions of dollars a year in additional funding," the editorial says, concluding that leaders from the Group of Eight industrialized nations should follow Bush's "lead and raise their own contributions to this vital global campaign" (New York Times, 6/1).