Beijing Launches Hotel Condom Campaign To Curb Spread of HIV
In an effort to curb the spread of HIV in Beijing, the city's Municipal Health Bureau and Municipal Tourist Bureau have ordered three-star and higher-rated hotels in the city to supply their guest rooms with condoms by the end of May, Xinhua/China View reports. According to Xinhua/China News, Beijing recorded 5,219 HIV/AIDS cases as of April 30 -- up from 4,663 cases as of October. The spread of the virus has been largely associated with sexual transmission, BMHB officials said, adding that the situation requires immediate condom promotion efforts.
In addition to hotels, condoms will be available at karaoke and night clubs, spa resorts and other entertainment venues by the end of the year to ensure safer-sex practices. Twenty-six other departments also are involved in the campaign (Xinhua/China View, 5/19).