A Selection Of Editorials And Opinions
Healing The Hospitals The Baltimore SunHospitals are the latest casualties of the economic crisis. As their investment incomes tumble, hospitals' already stretched operating budgets are being squeezed even further (Michael Jhin, 6/23).
U.S. Health Care Is Not Inferior The Denver Post
The most annoying claim in America's health-care debate? Easy. It's the repeated charge that the U.S. gets inferior results despite spending much more on health care than other countries (Vincent Carroll, 6/23).
Something For Nothing The New York Times
The problem with the [Senate committees' health reform] plans is that they don't do much to change the underlying incentives, and consequently don't do much to control costs (David Brooks, 6/23).
Ten Lessons For National Health Care Reform The San Francisco Chronicle
In addressing the health care crisis quickly and boldly, national leaders would do well to heed the lessons that California's health care debate offers (Melissa Rodgers, 6/23).
Deficit Politics Driving Health Care Timetable Politico
[T]he financial crisis and the government's stimulative response have brought back deficit politics and endangered both the timing and the substance of health care reform (John Fortier, 6/23).
Where Battle Line Is Drawn On Health Care The (Minneapolis) Star Tribune
A public plan is a nonstarter. So why is the president pushing it? For leverage (Peter Nelson, 6/22).
Tobacco, Public Health, and the FDA The New England Journal of Medicine
The FDA has been given broad authority to regulate tobacco products. We believe that this historic legislation can have an unparalleled positive impact on the health of the American public (Gregory Curfman, Stephen Morrissey and Jeffery Drazen, 6/22).
This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.