FBI Struggles To Uncover Health Care Scammers Who Flee For Cuba
McClatchy/The Miami Herald: FBI Struggling To Catch Dozens Of Fraud Fugitives Hiding In CubaAs Medicare crime spreads across South Florida, accused scammers are escaping in droves to Cuba and other Latin American countries to avoid prosecution - with more than 150 fugitives now wanted for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from the U.S. health care program, according to the FBI and court records. The tally of fugitives charged with health care fraud here has tripled since 2008, when The Miami Herald first reported on the phenomenon of Cuban immigrants joining the Medicare rackets and fleeing to evade trial in Miami. But during the past three years, the FBI has captured only 16 fugitives, reflecting the difficulty in catching Spanish-speaking suspects who head south to hide out (Weaver, 7/17). This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.