Assessing Health Law’s Impact On Cities, People
Local news reports examine the effects of the health law.
Dallas Morning News: Dallas Among 30 U.S. Counties That Stand To Gain The Most From Federal Health Law
Texas is home to more than two-thirds of the nation's 30 counties most in need of expanded health insurance coverage, including Dallas, according to a liberal group. The Center for American Progress Action Fund ranked 22 Texas counties -- including Dallas -- as among the "30 worst" in the country. It cited residents' lack of insurance and poor health outcomes, such as heart attack deaths. In a report released Thursday, the advocacy group said many Republican U.S. House members "are doing everything they can to torpedo" the federal health law despite having many constituents who would benefit from new state health marketplaces that will open on Oct. 1 (Garrett, 8/1).
Health Policy Solutions (a Colo. news service): Richest Resort Counties Rank Worst For Health Coverage
Two ritzy resort counties in Colorado have made a list of the 50 worst counties in the U.S. for working people who are living without health insurance. Eagle County, home to swanky Vail and Beaver Creek, ranked 42nd worst among U.S. counties with nearly 29 percent of people who earn between 138 and 400 percent of the poverty level surviving without health insurance. … In Colorado’s ski resort towns, workers often have multiple jobs, none of which comes with health insurance. Even people earning decent salaries have to spend so much money on living expenses that many can’t afford health insurance (Kerwin McCrimmon, 8/1).
Marketplace: Creating A Healthier Camden
In Camden, just 8 percent of patients make up nearly 40 percent of the costs. The city's three hospitals have been awarded nearly $3 million in federal grants to help improve primary care for the sickest and most expensive patients. Brenner says the partnership among competing hospitals is just one sign that the Affordable Care Act is changing the business of health care. ... The most common emergency in a Camden ER, colds and ear aches. Translation: not enough primary care (Gorenstein, 8/1).