Ohio Senate OKs Bill To End Funding For Planned Parenthood
The measure, which passed 23-10, would divert about $1.3 million in federal funding from the reproductive health organization's clinics to federally qualified health centers.
The Associated Press:
Ohio Bill Targets Public Money Going To Planned Parenthood
An Ohio bill that seeks to divert more than $1 million in government funding away from Planned Parenthood cleared the state Senate on Wednesday after dozens of opponents told a legislative committee that the proposal could limit access to pregnancy prevention services and other needed health care resources. The proposal passed on a 23-10 vote. It targets taxpayer money that the organization receives through grant programs administered by the Ohio Department of Health. Those dollars, which are mostly federal, support programs on infant mortality, HIV testing, breast and cervical cancer screenings, and the prevention of violence against women. The bill would restrict such funds from going to entities that perform or promote abortions, their affiliates and those that contract with an entity that performs abortions. (Sanner, 10/21)
Northeast Ohio Media Group:
Ohio Senate Votes To Defund Planned Parenthood After Hearing Limited Public Testimony
The Ohio Senate on Wednesday quickly passed legislation to block state funding for Planned Parenthood's health education and prevention programs. ... The bill would redirect about $1.3 million annually from Planned Parenthood to federally qualified health centers, health departments, and other clinics that don't perform or promote abortions or contract with facilities that do. (Borchardt, 10/21)
Ohio: Senate Votes To End Funds For Planned Parenthood
State senators advanced a bill on Wednesday that would eliminate state and federal funding for Planned Parenthood clinics. Ohio is among a string of states to consider cuts in response to undercover videos about the group’s handling of fetal tissue. The Republican-controlled Senate voted 23 to 10 on party lines to advance the measure, which would strip funding from Planned Parenthood clinics in the state and any organization referring patients to them. (10/21)
News outlets also report on other Planned Parenthood-related developments in Texas and Missouri -
The Dallas Morning News:
Democrats Call For Investigation After Texas Moves To Cut Planned Parenthood From Medicaid
Texas Democrats are fighting a move by state officials to cut the last few taxpayer dollars going to Planned Parenthood clinics in the state. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston called the action “awful and shameful,” as well as illegal Wednesday, asking for a federal investigation into the state’s reasoning for cutting off the women’s health care provider. (Ayala and Martin, 10/21)
St. Louis Public Radio:
Mizzou Signs New Agreement To Allow Nursing Students To Train At Planned Parenthood
The University of Missouri’s nursing school in Columbia has signed new agreements with two Planned Parenthood clinics to allow nursing students to obtain some of their training in women’s health services. A university spokesman said the agreements are not contracts, but will enable three students who requested it to perform their clinical training at Planned Parenthood. (Mannies, 10/21)