Today’s Opinions And Editorials
The Insurer Vs. The Hospitals The New York TimesA bitter dispute between one of the nation's largest health insurers and a consortium of New York City hospitals illustrates the difficulties of controlling the ever-rising costs of medical care and insurance premiums (1/29).
What To Do Before Spending More On Health Care The Washington Post
Only leadership that convinced people that the prospective benefits outweighed the risks would make the health-care system's transformation possible. Obama hasn't provided it (Robert Samuelson, 2/1).
America Didn't Buy It The Washington Post
The spending freeze exempts entitlement programs. That is: It's focusing on the part of the budget that's not a problem... It's Medicare and Medicaid -- whose rate of spending is driven by the rest of the health-care system -- that break the budget (Ezra Klein, 1/31).
Without Change, Health System Isn't Pretty St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The latest talking point for opponents is that Americans don't need health care reform. That would be funny if it weren't tragically wrong (1/31)
Another Look At Saving Health Care San Francisco Chronicle
If Obama forces Congress to author a bill that the public can actually get behind, and then explains to the public exactly what's in it for them, then he can mobilize the public to pressure Congress into passing it (1/31).
Health Care: 16% Of GDP? Forbes
Unless it saves our lives or heals what we've broken, most of what is described as health care doesn't make us more productive or valuable to our employers (John Tamny, 2/1).
House Should Grit Teeth, Pass Senate Bill Politico
The disappointment is palpable, as some leading Democrats wonder whether to press ahead or shelve the long-delayed liberal objective (Bruce Schulman, 1/31). This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.