Senate Set To Move On $1.1B For Zika Funding; House Introduces $622M Bill
Senators are expected to move today on a bipartisan plan to allocate $1.1 billion for the federal government's response to the Zika virus outbreak, down from the $1.9 billion requested by the Obama administration. A measure unveiled this week by House Republicans cuts the funding further to $622 million.
The Associated Press:
Senate Likely To Advance $1.1 Billion In Zika Funding
After a three-month delay, the Senate is acting on President Barack Obama's request for money to combat the Zika virus. The Senate is slated to vote Tuesday on three competing plans to battle the virus, with a bipartisan plan that cuts Obama's $1.9 billion request to $1.1 billion having the greatest chance to advance. The procedural vote would pave the way to add funds for the government's response to Zika to an unrelated spending bill. (Taylor, 5/17)
U.S. House To Weigh $622.1 Million In New Zika Funding
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives will try to pass legislation this week providing $622.1 million in funds to fight the spreading Zika virus, far less than the Obama administration has been seeking. House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers introduced the measure on Monday, according to a statement. The bill would offset the new spending by taking $352.1 million from an Ebola fund and another $270 million from a Department of Health and Human Services administrative account. (Cowan and Gardner, 5/16)
The Hill:
House GOP Unveils $622 Million Zika Bill
House Republicans on Monday introduced a bill to provide $622 million in additional funding to fight the Zika virus this year. The measure is fully paid for, in part by shifting over unspent money that was intended to fight Ebola, the House Appropriations Committee said.
The House is likely to vote on the bill, which would provide a fraction of the $1.9 billion requested by the White House, this week. (Sullivan, 5/16)
House Zika Bill Would Provide Less Than Half Of White House Request
House Republicans introduced a Zika funding bill Monday that would provide $622 million for the fight — less than half of what the Obama administration wanted as the nation prepares for the likely spread of the virus this summer. (Nather, 5/16)