States Begin To Assess Effects Of Judge’s Decision To Block Anthem-Cigna Merger
Officials and news outlets in Colorado and New Hampshire, two states that opposed the merger, review the situation.
Denver Post:
A Judge Blocked The Anthem-Cigna Health Insurance Merger. What Does That Mean For Colorado?
Individual insurance plans account for only about 8 percent of the market in Colorado. But Anthem, and to a lesser extent Cigna, are also players in the employer-sponsored insurance world — which is 50 percent of the state’s insurance market. In 2014, Anthem — listed under its previous name, Wellpoint — was the largest insurer in the state’s small group market and the second-largest in the large group market, according to a report by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit group that is not affiliated with the insurer and health care provider Kaiser Permanente. (Ingold, 2/11)
New Hampshire Union Leader:
Anthem Pushes Appeal, NH AG Celebrates Cigna Merger Defeat
New Hampshire Attorney General Joseph Foster said it marks a big victory for consumers, since his office, along with the AGs from 10 other states and the District of Columbia, brought the civil lawsuit, aimed at torpedoing the merger. "The court's decision is a tremendous win for consumers, employers, health-care providers, and other health insurers who compete in this state," Foster said in a statement. "New Hampshire already has too few competitors in the health insurance market. Anthem and Cigna directly compete in important segments of the New Hampshire market, offering different approaches for fostering improved health care at lower costs." (Landrigan, 2/11)