Today’s OpEds: Orszag On Malpractice Reform; Debate Over Individual Mandate; Insurers’ Hard-Ball Tactics
Malpractice Methodology The New York Times
Opponents of the act are generally off base in criticizing investments in improved care. In complaining about the missed opportunity to reform medical malpractice laws to promote evidence-based medical practice, on the other hand, the critics are entirely on target (Peter Orszag, 10/20).
GOP's Anti-Obamacare Strategies Set To Backfire The Washington Post
What the right fails to grasp is that 'success' in court will undermine the private-sector health care Republicans cherish (Matt Miller, 10/21).
Yeah, Those Emergency Rooms Are Crowded Kaiser Health News
Whatever we do, two things are clear. We need more capacity for emergency care. And whether or not we build it, the patients will come (Harold Pollack, 10/21).
ObamaCare's Incentive To Drop Insurance The Wall Street Journal
The consequence of these generous subsidies will be that America's health reform may well drive many more people than projected out of employer-sponsored insurance and into the heavily subsidized federal system (Gov. Philip Bredesen, D-Tenn., 10/21).
Who Doesn't Want Health Insurance? The New Republic
The individual mandate continues to be health care reform's most controversial element, both in the courts and on the campaign trail. What I don't understand is why the requirement scares people without such strong libertarian instinct (Jonathan Cohn, 10/20).
Killing Our Choices New York Post
The president's health-reform law is almost seven months old, and it's already threatening thousands of Americans' ability to access affordable health insurance. Whether in the courts or at the polls, the country's march toward ObamaCare must be stopped (Sally Pipes, 10/21).
Lawsuit Raises Tough Questions About Blue Cross Tactics The Detroit News
The department and attorney general still have to prove their case in court. Blue Cross Blue Shield denies the charges. But the suit brings up questions that grow out of the company's dominance in the Michigan market (10/21).