A Selection Of Opinions And Editorials
Health Care Reform Must Lower Costs Dallas Morning News
In the Senate debate over health care reform, our priority should be to lower costs for American families and small businesses (Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, 12/14).
Senate Imperative: Don't Leave Town Without It Politico
After impressive strides last week, the answer is clear: Reform-minded senators should take the deal and provide the 60 votes to send health reform to conference (Bruce Reed, 12/15).
Chronic Care Has Major Impact The Atlantic Journal-Constitution
This "chronic curve" of rising health care costs is perhaps most evident in the country's largest health insurer, Medicare (Serini, 12/14).
Is There A "Morning-After Pill" For ObamaCare The Wall Street Journal
Harry Reid is using the health-care bill to restore funding for abstinence-only sex education programs (Allysia Finley, 12/14).
Delaying Health Benefits Is A Big Risk CNN
After all the political capital that Democrats have invested in this health care debate, it would be a shame if they were able to win the battle but, as a result of flawed policy design, lose the war (Julian E. Zelizer, 12/14).
Health Care: The Irrational Issue Politico
Health care is probably the single hardest and trickiest problem American society faces (Walter Russell Mead, 12/15).
Congress's Long-Term Care Bomb The Wall Street Journal
Another new entitlement that will make future costs explode (Scott Harrington, 12/13).