Today’s Editorials And Opinions
The War On Specialists Wall Street JournalIn President Obama's Washington, medical specialists are slightly more popular than the H1N1 virus. [T]he quiet war Democrats are waging on specialists is astonishing (10/6).
Health Bills Kill Us On The Deficit The Dallas Morning News
Take the Baucus bill, which the Congressional Budget Office originally projected would not add to the deficit. A big chunk of the revenues on which it banks come from future savings in Medicare and other health costs (William McKenzie, 10/5).
The Trouble With Health Reform The Louisville Courier-Journal
As Kentuckians witness these attempts to shroud a government takeover of health care in secrecy, one simple question comes to mind: What are they hiding? (Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., 10/6).
A Texas-Sized Health Care Failure The New York Times
[W]ithout a public plan, tough rules and restrictions on insurance companies will be essential. Otherwise, Americans will never be able to count on good, affordable health care (Cappy McGarr, 10/5).
A Battery Of Tests. For What? The Washington Post
I'm not only an experienced physician but also an advocate -- in fact, a teacher -- of standard-of-care practice. When I get sick, I told myself, they'll have to do it by the book. That was before last Easter (Jack Coulehan, 10/6).
A Look At The Ugly Side Of Mandates Politico
The arguments against an individual mandate are many: some straightforward, others less obvious and some rooted in basic common sense (Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., 10/6).
The Constitutionality Of Healthcare The Los Angeles Times
Are the healthcare bills pending in the House and Senate unconstitutional? Although the desirability of this approach can be debated, it unquestionably would be constitutional (Erwin Chemerinsky, 10/6). This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.