A Selection Of Opinions And Editorials
The Elephant In The Room On Health Care Minneapolis Star TribuneNearly 3.5 million Minnesota adults are uninsured for long-term care and supportive services, meaning that many of us cannot afford the cost of a longer life or long-term disabilities. Long-term care services and supports must be part of meaningful health care reform (Roberts, 7/7).
Med School: What The 1965 Medicare Debate Can Teach Us About Health Slate
Maybe the president should be paying more attention to the achievements of 1965, the year Medicare was passed with overwhelming support (Beam, 7/7).
As Health Data Becomes Available, Patients Can Demand Better Care Dallas Morning News
Light is starting to peek into the dark confusion of health care quality and costs (Landers, 7/7).
Obamacare: Where's The Innovation? Philadelphia Daily News
Obama health-care reform promises to increase coverage, decrease costs and increase or maintain the quality of medicine we now have. No one else has been able to do this - and neither will he. His solutions aren't new (Tremoglie, 7/8).
Look Out, Baltimore, Health Care Reform Is On The Way Baltimore Sun
Thanks to some of the highest bills and costliest care in the country, Baltimore's medical industry has accounted for more than half the metro region's job growth in the past five years. Health-care reform promises to stop all this, leaving Baltimore without an obvious engine to create employment (Hancock, 7/8). This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.