Today’s Opinions And Editorials
Vetting The Health Care Issue A La Rover And Spot The Chicago TribuneIf you put a pet option in the health-care reform scheme, Republicans would be in a bind. It's one thing to oppose big government taking over from those little mom-and-pop insurance companies, but do you favor throwing Mr. Mittens out the car window when he gets old and feeble and needs an IV because he can't chew his treats? (Garrison Keillor, 9/2).
Lowering Medicare Costs Las Vegas Sun
Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, ranking Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee, is the latest in a long line of congressmen from his party to make bogus arguments against proposed health care reform (9/2).
Why Democrats Are Losing On Health Care Wall Street Journal
The right wants to have a debate over fundamental principles; elected Democrats seem incapable of giving it to them (Thomas Frank, 9/1).
What Can America Learn From Switzerland And France About Healthcare Reform? The Christian Science Monitor
We already combine the worst features of both socialism and market forces in healthcare, because we can't seem to learn from the best examples in other countries (Mark Lange, 9/1).
Health Reform's Plan B The Washington Post
Despite Obama's best efforts, some type of health reform seems likely. Democrats have a political interest in the passage of less-frightening, more-incremental reforms; a failure to do so would prove them incapable of governing (Michael Gerson, 9/2).
Changing Health Care In Steps Better Than Not At All The New York Times
Any bill they pass will inevitably be flawed. It will not do enough to reduce wasteful spending. It probably will not result in universal coverage. Special interests - like drug companies and, once again, hospitals - will get off too lightly. But such is politics. (David Leonhardt, 9/1).
Congress Underestimating Savings From Treating Chronic Disease Roll Call
If Congress wants to find ways to curb the crushing costs of health care, it must modernize how it assesses the costs and savings of treating chronic disease, which accounts for 75 percent of our nation's annual health spending (Michael O'Grady, 9/1). This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.