
Latest KFF Health News Stories

The Supreme Court Confronts a Public Health Challenge: Homeless Encampments

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Homelessness is a soaring public health crisis, with a record 653,000 unhoused people in the United States, according to federal estimates. Tent and recreational vehicle encampments have exploded in recent years, crowding streets and sidewalks from Portland, Ore., to New York. In California, where roughly a third of all the nation’s homeless people live, doctors […]

California Gov. Newsom Wants Voters to Approve Billions More to Help the Homeless. Will It Help?

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A March 5 ballot initiative seeks $6.4 billion to build thousands of new housing units and provide mental health treatment for homeless people — on top of the billions already being spent to address the public health crisis. Despite significant support from health and law enforcement officials, many front-line workers are skeptical that more money is the answer.

Opposition to Medicaid Expansion Thaws in an Unexpected Place: The Deep South

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For more than a decade, some Southern states have resisted Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act, even though data suggest it could help their residents. Today, the large majority of uninsured Americans who would gain coverage under Medicaid expansion — and who would benefit from affordable access to care — live in non-expansion states […]

Nikki Haley Wants ‘Consensus’ on Contraception. It’s Not That Easy.

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Nikki Haley, the last candidate standing between Donald Trump and the GOP presidential nomination, insists that being “unapologetically pro-life” doesn’t make her anti-birth control. “Let’s find consensus,” she urged at a GOP presidential debate in November. “Let’s make sure we make contraception accessible.”  If only consensus were that easy. In some conservative circles, contraception is […]

Lawsuits Claim South Carolina Kids Underwent Unnecessary Genital Exams During Abuse Investigations

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Lawsuits allege that several children under 18 in South Carolina have undergone examinations of their private parts during child abuse investigations — even when there were no allegations of sexual abuse. There’s a growing consensus in medicine that genital exams can be embarrassing, uncomfortable, and even traumatic.