Personas con discapacidades quieren tener voz en el debate sobre el control de armas
Muchas veces, las voces de los propios sobrevivientes de la violencia con armas no son escuchadas. Una encuesta en Texas revela qué piensan.
Texas Disability Groups Want A Voice At The Table In Gun Debate
A disability rights groups in Texas wants to make sure people who’ve been disabled by gun violence in Texas get a chance to talk to lawmakers.
CHIP: sigue en peligro atención médica de 9 millones de niños
Varios estados se quedarán pronto sin fondos para el Programa de Seguro de Salud Infantil (CHIP) si el Congreso no aprueba una nueva refinanciación.
States — And 9M Kids — ‘In A Bind’ As Congress Dawdles On CHIP Funding
Congress let funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program expire in September, and despite bipartisan support for the program, states are facing the specter of having to prepare to wind down their programs.
A Tale Of Two States: California, Texas And The Latest ACA Repeal Bid
In the GOP’s attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act, California would lose a lot of federal funding. Texas would gain a lot in the short term, but experts worry Texas would not use the money well.
Texas Braces For Medicaid Cuts Under GOP Health Plan
Texans on both sides of the political spectrum say the Lone Star State is not going to fare well under GOP plans to replace the Affordable Care Act.