In Strong-Arm Tactic, Trump Puts Congressional Health Benefits Into Play
By taking aim at the subsidies received by some congressional staff members who, under the Affordable Care Act, are mandated to get their health coverage from the Obamacare exchanges, the president reignited an old fight.
Cronología: las experiencias cercanas a la muerte del Obamacare
Nunca una norma sufrió tantos intentos de homicidio como la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible. Los republicanos han tratado de derogarla por años, pero hasta ahora, sigue vigente.
Analysis: GOP Failure To Replace The Health Law Was Years In The Making
As postmortems mount regarding the collapse of the Senate Republican health plan, it’s clear how complex political and policy issues worked against the replacement effort.
Obamacare’s History Littered With Near-Death Experiences
The Affordable Care Act has repeatedly faced opposition in Congress and the courts, but it has continued to survive.
Timeline: Obamacare’s History Littered With Near-Death Experiences
The Affordable Care Act has repeatedly faced opposition in Congress and the courts, but it has continued to survive.
Who Knew Senate Health Bill Debate Could Be So Complicated?
The deliberations will be strictly governed by a time limit on debate and strict rules about what is germane.
Senate Parliamentarian Upends GOP Hopes For Health Bill
The parliamentarian finds that provisions of the bill cannot go forward with a simple majority vote.
Cruz Plan Gets Thumbs Up From HHS But Thumbs Down From Most Everyone Else
During another day of fast-moving developments, Senate Republicans signaled their intent to attempt to bring an updated repeal-and-delay bill to the floor for a vote next week.
Cinco poderosas razones por las que fracasó el proyecto de salud republicano
Mientras surgen los análisis post-mortem sobre el colapso del plan de salud republicano del Senado, es claro cómo problemas politicos y de legislación obraron en contra del esfuerzo por reemplazar ACA.
Millions More Uninsured Could Impact Health Of Those With Insurance, Too
The return to high rates of uninsurance expected under GOP plans to repeal and replace Obamacare would mean less access to health care for people with insurance too, researchers say.
Senate Health Bill Still Short On ‘Yays’ But Leaders Vow Vote Next Week
At least two Republicans have already said they cannot support the new legislative draft, which means all other GOP senators would have to agree to the bill to pass it.
Men Wrote The Senate Health Care Bill. This Woman Could Stop It.
Elizabeth MacDonough, the Senate’s parliamentarian, will be in the hot seat as she is called upon to decide which provisions of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s bill draft fit the tight rules that allow for it to be passed without a filibuster.
Podcast: What The Health? Senate Bill Sparks Fireworks Before The Fourth
Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times and Paige Winfield Cunningham of The Washington Post discuss the state of the Senate’s effort to replace Obamacare.
Proyecto de salud del Senado cambiaría Medicaid y limitaría apoyo para las primas
Los republicanos en el Senado revelaron un proyecto de ley de salud que transformaría dramáticamente el programa Medicaid, que ayuda a 70 millones de personas de bajos ingresos a tener cobertura de salud.
Senate Health Bill Would Revamp Medicaid, Alter ACA Guarantees, Cut Premium Support
Despite promises to craft their own way to revamp the federal health law, the Senate Republican bill follows the House’s lead in many ways.
Ear To The Door: 5 Things Being Weighed In Secret Health Bill Also Weigh It Down
No one knows what the final Senate bill will look like — not even those writing it. But here are some safe, educated guesses.
Descent Into Secrecy: Senate Health Talks Speak To Steady Retreat From Transparency
The Senate’s secret deliberation on the health bill overhaul is part of a long, slow slide away from transparency. And I’m a witness.
If Insurance Market Crashes, Can Lawmakers Put The Pieces Back Together?
Actions by the Trump administration are putting pressure on the fragile market for individuals who buy their own coverage, but analysts say it should be able to rebound.
GOP Health Bill Pleases Most Republicans, But Not Many Other Americans
While nearly half of Americans support Obamacare, fewer than a third are in favor of the Republican replacement legislation.
Millions Of Ill People May Face ‘Extremely High Premiums’ Under House Bill, CBO Says
The report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office evaluates last-minute changes made to the bill to help propel it to passage.