HHS Finalizes Rule Seeking To Expel Planned Parenthood From Family Planning Program
The new regulation would drop previous rules for the Title X program requiring that women with unintended pregnancies be told about all options, including abortion. It would also mandate that organizations separate facilities providing federally funded services from those providing abortions.
John Dingell, ‘Dean Of The House,’ Remembered As A Force In Health Policy
The Michigan Democrat chaired the House Energy and Commerce Committee and his impact on health care was immense.
Trump Highlights Health Agenda With Vow To Lower ‘Unfair’ Drug Prices
The president laid out a series of goals, including lowering prescription prices, pursuing an end to the HIV epidemic and boosting funding for childhood cancers.
New House Democrats’ Focus On Abortion Rights Could Stymie Work With Senate
Members of the new Democratic majority in the House are vowing to reverse restrictions that Republicans have imposed on abortions. But the efforts could lead to titanic fights that imperil other legislation.
Dónde se pelearán las batallas sobre el aborto en 2019
Ambos lados del debate creen que pueden avanzar. Pero la mayoría demócrata en la Cámara de Representantes puede cambiar las reglas de juego.
Where Abortion Fights Will Play Out In 2019
Expect more aggressive regulatory action from the Trump administration while skirmishes continue in Congress and statehouses across the country. Many of these policies will ultimately be challenged in court.
Democrats Fight Back Against Lawsuit Threatening Health Law
Among the first things Democrats did after officially taking control of the House was to express support for efforts to appeal a Texas district court decision declaring the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional.
5 formas en las que el sistema colapsaría si se eliminara la ley de salud
No solo las disposiciones más prominentes del Obamacare se verían afectadas si se considera a la ley inconstitucional.
5 Ways Nixing The Affordable Care Act Could Upend The Entire Health System
There could be a long legal struggle ahead over the decision by a judge in Texas to invalidate the federal health law. But if his decision stands, it would have long-lasting effects on health care from insurance coverage to Medicare payments to privacy protections.
Judge Strikes Down ACA Putting Law In Legal Peril — Again
The case is not expected to have an immediate effect on coverage for people who buy plans on the federal health law marketplaces because the case is likely to go to the Supreme Court — the third time that the justices will decide the fate of the landmark health law.
Elecciones: la salud es importante para los votantes, pero no es crucial
Aunque el tema de la atención de salud pareció no ser crucial para los votantes en las elecciones de medio término, el martes 6 de noviembre fue un buen día para la expansión de Medicaid.
Midterm Results Show Health Is Important To Voters But No Magic Bullet
Even though they are taking control of the House, Democrats will be unlikely to advance many initiatives on health that don’t meet Republican approval since the GOP controls the Senate and the White House. But they can block any efforts to weaken the Affordable Care Act or change Medicaid or Medicare.
The Election’s Impact On Health Care: Some Bellwether Races To Watch
A number of health issues — from preexisting conditions to Medicaid expansion to changes to Medicare — could be at stake when voters head to the polls Tuesday.
GOP’s Latest Campaign Punch On Health Care Relies On Classic Hook: Medicare
Republicans seek to turn the tables on charges that they are undermining preexisting conditions, so they’re hammering the plans championed by some Democrats to expand Medicare.
Fact Check: Who’s Right On Protections For Preexisting Conditions? It’s Complicated
Consumers favor ACA’s safeguards on the promise that patients who have health problems can get insurance. In the heat of the midterm campaigns, politicians in both parties agree, but their arguments don’t always add up.
A Texas Lawsuit Being Heard This Week Could Mean Life Or Death For The ACA
On Wednesday, a federal judge in Fort Worth, Texas, is set to hear arguments from Republican attorneys general who want him to strike down the federal health law and from Democratic counterparts who say the law is constitutional and should remain.
Escuela de medicina gratuita genera debate de millones de dólares
La Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nueva York anunció que buscará donaciones para hacer la carrera totalmente gratuita.
Tuition-Free Med School Touches Off Multimillion-Dollar Debate
NYU’s promise to help keep medical students debt-free generates joy on campus. But critics question whether it is the best way to recruit a more diverse student pool or get young doctors to commit to primary care.
Democrats Rally Against Threats To The ACA To Block Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee
Senate Democrats see health care as an issue that could keep their caucus unified as the confirmation battle heats up.
If High Court Reverses Roe V. Wade, 22 States Poised To Ban Abortion
As with current abortion policies, a woman’s access to the procedure would continue to be determined by where she lives.