Stephanie Stapleton

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Today’s Headlines – Sept. 5, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports on how health reform is playing a role in presidential politics, both during the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., and in a new GOP campaign ad. Politico: Dems Wear ‘Obamacare’ Proudly Democrats gathered in Charlotte this week are fighting to reclaim the term […]

Today’s Headlines – August 28, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about new polling insights regarding the presidential campaign and Medicare, as well as what might become of the House of Representatives. Los Angeles Times: Poll Watch: Tight Presidential Race In Both Convention States As Republicans prepare to get their storm-delayed convention underway in Florida, […]

Today’s Headlines – August 27, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about this week’s GOP convention, the politics of Medicare and abortion, and the latest health policy news from the states. The Washington Post: Poll: Obama, Romney Neck-And-Neck Ahead Of Party Conventions The Republican National Convention opens this week with President Obama and presumptive nominee […]

Today’s Headlines – August 24, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports comparing presidential candidates’ Medicare plans and health reform views. The Associated Press/Washington Post: Romney-Ryan Medicare Overhaul Plan Could Give Rise to A New Family Dynamic: Health Care Envy As the issue rises in importance in the presidential campaign, it’s leading to inevitable comparisons for […]

Today’s Headlines – August 23, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including the latest round of stories about how Medicare and abortion issues are emerging both in the presidential campaign and congressional races. The New York Times: In Poll, Obama Is Given Trust Over Medicare The Romney-Ryan proposal to reshape Medicare by giving future beneficiaries fixed amounts […]

Today’s Headlines – August 22, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including political reports related to the abortion debate and Medicare issues. The New York Times: Patients Would Pay More If Romney Restores Medicare Savings, Analysts Say Mitt Romney’s promise to restore $716 billion that he says President Obama “robbed” from Medicare has some health care experts […]

Today’s Headlines – August 21, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports from the campaign trail, where House candidates are turning up the Medicare debate; and from the health care marketkplace, where Aetna acquired Coventry Health, a Medicare and Medicaid insurer. The New York Times: As Romney Enjoys Ryan’s Spark, Rivals Try To Fan It But […]

Today’s Headlines – August 20, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about how the Medicare story is continuing to unfold on the presidential campaign trail. The Associated Press/Washington Post: Romney And Ryan To Hold Town Hall Meeting With NH Voters To Explain Medicare Plans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are ready to face New Hampshire […]

Today’s Headlines – August 17, 2012

KFF Health News Original

One last batch of health policy headlines before you head to the beach. The Washington Post: Mitt Romney, Obama Camp Spar On Medicare Plans Mitt Romney wants to make the Medicare debate easy to understand. So on Thursday, he pulled out a black marker and stepped toward a trusty white board propped up on a […]

Today’s Headlines – August 16, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about how Medicare has taken center stage in the presidential campaign. The Associated Press/Washington Post: Reversing Obama Medicare Cuts May Backfire On Romney By Speeding Up Program’s Insolvency GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s new promise to restore the Medicare cuts made by President Barack […]

Today’s Headlines – August 15, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports that Medicaid is joining Medicare in the presidential campaign’s issue spotlight. The Washington Post: Medicaid Shapes Up As Major Battleground Mitt Romney’s choice of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) as his running mate has reignited a debate over the future of Medicare. But Ryan’s proposed […]

Today’s Headlines – August 14, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including more news and analysis related to GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s running-mate pick and how the Romney-Ryan team appears to be playing on the campaign trail. The New York Times: Medicare Rises As Prime Election Issue With Mitt Romney’s selection of Representative Paul D. Ryan […]

Today’s Headlines – August 13, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning, here are your headlines: CBS News: “60 Minutes”: Romney, Ryan Answer Critics Of Medicare Position Romney answered critics who say Ryan’s Medicare plan will hurt the ticket’s chances, especially in Florida. “There’s only one president that I know of in history that robbed Medicare, $716 billion to pay for a new risky program […]

Today’s Headlines – August 10, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports about the health law’s tax provisions and insurance rebates: The Associated Press/Washington Post: Health Care Law’s Big Tax Hikes Hit The Wealthiest 2 Percent – Others Also Caught In The Net Who gets thumped by higher taxes in President Barack Obama’s health care law? […]

Today’s Headlines – August 9, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including news about campaign trail sparring over women’s health issues, a political ad that has drawn criticism and a Romney aide’s response. Los Angeles Times: Survey: 61% Of Employers Expect Cost Increase From Healthcare Law More than 60% of employers in a new survey anticipate some […]

Today’s Headlines – August 8, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including a variety of stories that reflect how health policy issues are playing on the campaign trail. The Wall Street Journal: Puzzling Over What To Call State Insurance Exchanges Health-insurance exchanges are a central part of the Obama administration’s health overhaul, serving as marketplaces for people […]

Today’s Headlines – August 7, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports that HCA, the largest for-profit hospital chain in the U.S., is facing scrutiny about the medical necessity of some of the cardiac procedures done at some of its facilities. The Associated Press/Washington Post: Obama Administration: Average Monthly Premium For Basic Medicare Drug Coverage To […]

Today’s Headlines – August 6, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including a progress report about health insurance exchanges as well as news from the campaign trail. The New York Times: U.S. Officials Brace For Huge Task Of Operating Health Exchanges Obama administration officials are getting ready to set up and operate new health insurance markets in […]

Today’s Headlines – August 3, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports on a Capitol Hill hearing during which House GOP lawmakers grilled the director of the Internal Revenue Service on his agency’s health care subsidy ruling. The Associated Press/Washington Post: Republicans Grill IRS Chief On Health Care Subsidy Ruling As Commissioner Defends His Agency House […]

Today’s Headlines – August 2, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including stories detailing the latest news on various issues involved in the health law’s implementation, as well as reports about Medicare and Medicaid . The Wall Street Journal: Small Firms See Pain In Health Law Restaurants and retailers face some of the toughest changes now that […]