
Latest KFF Health News Stories

How The Budget Reconciliation Process Works

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Democrats, who no longer have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, are weighing the use of a budget rule called reconciliation to pass at least part of the long-debated health overhaul package with a simple majority.

Health On The Hill – January 19, 2010

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The outcome of the Massachusetts Senate race could play a pivotal role in efforts by President Obama and congressional Democrats to pass a health care overhaul bill this year.

Health On The Hill – January 11, 2010

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With House members returning to town, negotiations continue between House and Senate Democrats over differences in the two chambers’ health care bills. Key differences include financing, the level of subsidies provided to help people afford coverage and whether or not to include a tax on high-cost health insurance plans.

Congress Doing Health Care The Hard Way

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Congress is still on holiday break, but President Obama and Congressional leaders are at work starting to merge the House and Senate health care overhaul bills. Congress watchers say looking back at how the debate got to this point may provide some important clues as to where it might lead. This story comes from our partner NPR News.

Transcript: Health On The Hill – January 4, 2010

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House and Senate lawmakers are beginning to resolve differences between the two chambers’ health care overhaul plans. Those differences include the size of the bills, language governing abortion funding and how the bills would be financed. While the House bill includes a government-run health insurance option the Senate bill does not. Negotiations are expected to continue throughout January.

Health On The Hill – January 4, 2010

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House and Senate lawmakers are beginning to resolve differences between the two chambers’ health care overhaul plans. Those differences include the size of the bills, language governing abortion funding and how the bills would be financed. While the House bill includes a government-run health insurance option the Senate bill does not. Negotiations are expected to continue throughout January.

Analysis: Health Care Polls Don’t Tell Whole Story

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Polls show opposition and unease about the Democrats’ health overhaul bills, but these snapshots of public opinion aren’t necessarily good indicators of how voters will feel later about the legislation and the politicians who are trying to push it through Congress.

Health On The Hill – December 22, 2009

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The Senate continues to debate health care reform with passage of the Democrats’ health care bill expected by Christmas Eve. Key differences between the two bills — in the areas of abortion, financing and a government-run “public plan” health insurance option — would need to be resolved in a House-Senate conference deal, and approved by both chambers before reaching President Obama’s desk.