Latest KFF Health News Stories
Los trabajadores están sufriendo, y muriendo, cada vez más, a medida que los veranos se vuelven progresivamente más calurosos debido al cambio climático.
Presidential Election Puts Affordable Care Act Back in the Bull’s-Eye
The outcome of the upcoming presidential election could affect the number of insured Americans, the fate of premium-reducing subsidies, the shape of Medicaid, and the cost of coverage for tens of millions of people.
Helene and CVS Land Double Whammy for 25,000 Patients Who Survive on IV Nutrition
A Massachusetts woman ended up stranded in the hospital because CVS stopped providing the IV nutrition she needs to survive at home. Without it, she’d starve.
Harris Backs Slashing Medical Debt. Trump’s ‘Concepts’ Worry Advocates.
The Biden administration has taken significant steps to address a problem that burdens 100 million people in America, but gains would be jeopardized by a Trump win, advocates say.
Harris apoya la reducción de la deuda médica. Los “conceptos” de Trump preocupan a defensores.
La administración Biden ha ampliado las protecciones financieras para los pacientes, incluyendo una propuesta histórica de la Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor (CFPB) para eliminar la deuda médica de los informes de crédito de los consumidores.
Abortion Emerges as Most Important Election Issue for Young Women, Poll Finds
A KFF survey found significant shifts among women voters since late spring — all in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris.
El aborto es el tema electoral más importante para las mujeres jóvenes, según una encuesta
Casi 4 de cada 10 mujeres menores de 30 años encuestadas en septiembre y principios de octubre dijeron que el aborto es la cuestión más importante a la hora de emitir su voto.
KFF Health News' 'What the Health?': The Health of the Campaign
The 2024 presidential race is taking on a familiar tone — with Democrats accusing Republicans of wanting to ban abortion and repeal the Affordable Care Act and Republicans insisting they have no such plans. Voters will determine whom they believe. Meanwhile, for the second time in a month, a state judge overturned an abortion ban, but few expect the decision to settle the matter. Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico, Sandhya Raman of CQ Roll Call, and Anna Edney of Bloomberg News join KFF Health News chief Washington correspondent Julie Rovner to discuss these stories and more. Also this week, Rovner interviews KFF Health News’ Lauren Sausser, who reported and wrote the latest KFF Health News-Washington Post “Bill of the Month,” about a teenage athlete whose needed surgery lacked a billing code.
Harris Correct That Trump Fell Short on Promise To Negotiate Medicare Drug Prices
The former president instead favored a temporary model that could’ve brought down prices of some prescription drugs, but it was blocked by the courts.
Harris’ Emphasis on Maternal Health Care Is Paying Dividends With Black Women Voters
Polls are showing renewed support from Black women voters for the Democratic ticket. Vice President Kamala Harris has backed key health priorities for Black women.
How Minnesota Figures Into the Presidential Politics of Insulin Prices
Minnesota led the way on insulin affordability, culminating in 2020 when Gov. Tim Walz signed a law going further to cut costs than other state laws. Now, former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris are vying for support from people with diabetes.
How North Carolina Made Its Hospitals Do Something About Medical Debt
State officials threatened to withhold public money from hospitals, pioneering a strategy that could become a national model.
Trump, Harris Spar Over Abortion Rights and Obamacare in Their First Face-Off
The generally combative face-off was marked by a series of false and sometimes bizarre statements from former President Donald Trump.
En su primer cara a cara, Harris y Trump se enfrentan por el Obamacare y el aborto
Los dos candidatos presidenciales abordaron una amplia gama de temas, desde cifras de empleo e inflación hasta el aborto y la inmigración, en intercambios marcados por ataques personales.
Harris and Trump Are Ready To Take on Big Pharma
Former president Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris are both eager to take on high drug prices, leaving pharmaceutical companies on the defensive as they spend millions of dollars this election season. When Harris was California’s attorney general, she joined cases that resulted in almost $7.2 billion (about $22 per person in the United […]
For Pharma, Trump vs. Harris Is a Showdown Between Two Industry Foes
Vice President Kamala Harris is seen as more aggressive than former President Donald Trump in taking on pharmaceutical companies, but Trump allies say he would also make lowering drug costs a top priority.
Para las farmacéuticas, la pelea entre Trump y Harris es entre dos enemigos de la industria
Legisladores de ambos partidos atacan cada vez más a la industria, por los precios de los medicamentos que la mayoría de los estadounidenses consideran irrazonables.
A Teen’s Murder, Mold in the Walls: Unfulfilled Promises Haunt Public Housing
For years, federal lawmakers have failed to deliver the money needed to fix derelict public housing, leaving tenants — mostly people of color and families with low incomes — living with mold and gun violence that has had lasting health consequences.
Biden Administration Blocks Two Private Sector Enrollment Sites From ACA Marketplace
Regulators have been under the gun to curb unauthorized Obamacare enrollment and switching of plans. Separately, a pending lawsuit was amended with additional defendants and new allegations regarding tactics to garner greater ACA sales commissions.
Harris’ California Health Care Battles Signal Fights Ahead for Hospitals if She Wins
Kamala Harris fought health care consolidation during her tenure as California’s attorney general, and she could escalate the fight nationally if she wins in November. Still, the pace of mergers has accelerated.