Latest KFF Health News Stories
Trabajadores agrícolas en alto riesgo de contraer coronavirus y sin protección federal
Viven hacinados, durmiendo en literas y compartiendo baños y cocinas. Y aunque son trabajadores esenciales, suelen no tener seguro médico o licencia paga por enfermedad.
Without Federal Protections, Farm Workers Risk Coronavirus Infection to Harvest Crops
Skeptics say the lack of enforceable federal safety standards geared toward the coronavirus allows these employers to prioritize the harvest over worker safety.
Don’t Fall for This Video: Hydroxychloroquine Is Not a COVID-19 Cure
This statement is taken from a video in which a group of doctors air unproven conspiracy theories about the coronavirus. Dr. Immanuel’s claims were among the most inaccurate. And, before it was removed from social media platforms, thee video was viewed millions of times. President Donald Trump retweeted it.
KHN’s Midwest correspondent Lauren Weber drills through the vital health care policy stories of the week, so you don’t have to.
KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: The Trump Administration’s War on Fauci
Case counts for COVID-19 are rising in nearly every state, yet a major campaign by the Trump administration this past week was an attempt to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci, a trusted voice in public health. Meanwhile, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s surprise decision to protect abortion rights, there’s been a flurry of activity on reproductive health issues in lower federal courts. Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico, Paige Winfield Cunningham of The Washington Post and Erin Mershon of Stat News join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss this and more.
Listen: A Bureaucratic Shuffle for Hospital COVID Data
KHN’s Julie Rovner discusses the Trump administration plans to change how hospitals report their data on coronavirus cases and concerns among critics that may allow officials to use the material to make political points.
KHN executive editor Damon Darlin wades through mounds of health care policy stories — so you don’t have to.
‘Please Tell Me My Life Is Worth A LITTLE Of Your Discomfort,’ Nurse Pleads
Health care workers on the front lines of the COVID crisis have spent exhausting months working and self-quarantining off-duty to keep from infecting others, including their families. Encountering people who indignantly refuse face coverings can feel like a slap in the face.
Social Media Image About Mask Efficacy Right In Sentiment, But Percentages Are ‘Bonkers’
Skip the numbers. Focus on the mask.
How Mis- And Disinformation Campaigns Online Kneecap Coronavirus Response
The pandemic has been marked by a significant amount of misinformation — some spread on purpose — that could prove deadly.
Efforts To Curb Congenital Syphilis Falter In COVID’s Shadow
A new federal report sheds light on the reasons newborn syphilis rates are on the rise despite simple treatment options. But amid the COVID-19 pandemic, public health departments will struggle to respond.
Some Ivory Towers Are Ideal For A Pandemic. Most Aren’t.
As reopening decisions approach for the fall semester, colleges and universities are casting about for strategies to keep students safe without bankrupting their institutions. A few have natural advantages.
KHN executive editor Damon Darlin wades through mounds of health care policy stories — so you don’t have to.
KHN’s ‘What The Health?’: When It Comes To COVID-19, States Are On Their Own
Just about every state is lifting some coronavirus-related restrictions, but it’s unclear how things are really going, considering data on the spread of the virus lags and may not be reliable. Meanwhile, the federal government continues to throw more responsibility for dealing with the pandemic to state and local governments. Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times, Kimberly Leonard of Business Insider and Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss this and more.
En medio de la pandemia, dentistas vuelven a ofrecer atención de rutina con miedos y dudas
Los expertos en control de infecciones señalan que los pacientes, los dentistas y su personal deben sopesar sus riesgos, que varían según el lugar donde viven, su edad y otros factores.
Reopening Dental Offices For Routine Care Amid Pandemic Touches A Nerve
Most states ordered dental offices to close except for emergency patient care when the coronavirus hit the U.S. But the shutdown drilled deep into dentists’ finances, and they have been eager to reopen as states have relaxed their closures.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
Analysis: We Knew The Coronavirus Was Coming, Yet We Failed 5 Critical Tests
The vulnerabilities that COVID-19 has revealed were a predictable outgrowth of our market-based health care system.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
As Coronavirus Strikes, Crucial Data In Electronic Health Records Hard To Harvest
The U.S. government spent $36 billion computerizing health records, yet they’re of limited help in the COVID-19 crisis.