Latest KFF Health News Stories
Growing Concerns Of Coronavirus Should Spur Plans – Not Panic – In The Workplace
Even in the event of an outbreak, employers have to follow certain rules in their efforts to protect employees from this virus.
New California Coronavirus Case Reveals Problems with U.S. Testing Protocols
Disease experts say a new coronavirus case in California underscores the need for more widespread community testing for the illness, as well as problems caused by the delays in getting functional coronavirus test kits to state and local public health agencies.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
When It Comes To The New Coronavirus, Just Who Is A ‘Close Contact’?
Health officials stress that the new coronavirus devastating mainland China continues to pose minimal risk in the United States. The exception involves people who have had “close contact” with someone infected with the virus. So what exactly is close contact?
Con el nuevo coronavirus, ¿quién es un “contacto cercano”?
La forma en que se propaga un virus y la gravedad de la enfermedad que causa determina la forma en que los oficiales de salud deciden cuántas personas corren riesgo de contagio.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Happy Friday! In news that is technically really good and exciting but is also kind of icky: yarn made from human skin could eventually be used to stitch up surgical wounds as a way to cut down on detrimental reactions from patients. As CNN reports, “The researchers say their ‘human textile,’ which they developed from […]
Public Health Officials Offer Scant Details On U.S. Coronavirus Patients
To date, the U.S. has multiple confirmed cases of the viral infection that originated in Wuhan, China. That includes cases in which the virus passed from person to person within this country. So why don’t health officials share more information with the public?
A Veteran Started Vaping THC To Cope With Chronic Pain. Then He Got Very Sick.
A Navy veteran from Cleveland tried vaping marijuana to deal with his chronic pain. He landed in the hospital, becoming one of over 2,400 Americans who have suffered serious lung injury from vaping.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
Aumento récord de casos de enfermedad del Legionario
Jacuzzis, hoteles y hospitales en todo el país siguen siendo focos de esta enfermedad potencialmente letal, que las personas contraen luego de inhalar vapor o gotas de agua contaminadas.
Record Number Of Legionnaires’ Cases In 2018 Risk Lives, Cause Cleanup Headaches
Legionnaires’ disease cases hit an all-time high in 2018, with eight times more cases than 20 years ago. Even though many facilities in Missouri and elsewhere have water management plans in place to deal with the potentially deadly disease, they are still finding the underlying bacteria that causes it in their water.
Vape District en Los Angeles, una puerta de entrada al mercado negro
Una sección de cinco cuadras del centro de Los Ángeles que solía ser parte del Toy District se ha convertido en la zona cero del país para el comercio de cannabis falsificado.
Los Angeles Vape District A Black-Market Gateway
A seedy section of downtown Los Angeles has become the go-to place for those who trade in wholesale — and sometimes counterfeit — vaping products. As more people fall ill with a mysterious lung disease linked to e-cigarette use, the manufacture and distribution of vaping products face increased scrutiny.
A medida que evolucionan los dispositivos para vapear, aparecen nuevos peligros
Investigadores encuentran más evidencia de que la forma en que los dispositivos de vapeo y los líquidos electrónicos interactúan podría dañar a los consumidores.
As Vaping Devices Evolve, New Potential Hazards Emerge
The technology for vaping has changed over the years, and researchers are finding more evidence that the way vaping devices and e-liquids interact could harm consumers.
‘We Vape, We Vote’: How Vaping Crackdowns Are Politicizing Vapers
In response to the crackdowns on vaping, those who use or sell the e-cigarette products are mobilizing. Touting the “We Vape, We Vote” slogan, this burgeoning movement is positioning itself to be a factor in 2020 elections.
La sífilis congénita sigue aumentando a un ritmo alarmante
A nivel nacional, 1,306 bebés adquirieron sífilis de su madre en 2018, un aumento del 40% con respecto a 2017, según datos federales. Este tipo de transmisión es prevenible.
Congenital Syphilis Continues to Rise at an Alarming Rate
The number of U.S. infants who acquired syphilis from their mothers during pregnancy rose 40% last year. Just five states, including California, accounted for nearly two-thirds of the cases.
Vapers Accuse Officials Of Overreach As Investigation Into Deadly Lung Illness Lags
With federal authorities offering few details about what is causing the deadly outbreak of vaping-related lung illnesses, vaping advocates are crafting an alternative narrative reverberating through online communities.
Conoce a los oficiales de salud que alertaron sobre la enfermedad del “vapeo”
La epidemia ha provocado indignación por la falta de supervisión federal sobre el “vapeo”, pero también hay una historia de éxito de salud pública local que contar.