Latest KFF Health News Stories
Health Care Gets Heated On Night 2 Of The Democratic Presidential Debate
Though the candidates tended to agree on the end goal of universal coverage, differences emerged over how to get there.
Why So Many Older Americans Rate Their Health As Good Or Even Excellent
As people advance in age, the expectations for what constitutes good health change. People focus on positive emotions and satisfaction with life, while physical ailments play a less important role.
Illinois Clamps Down On Nursing Homes In Wake Of KHN-Chicago Tribune Investigation
In reaction to an investigation by Kaiser Health News and the Chicago Tribune, the Illinois legislature has passed a new law to impose fines on nursing homes that fail to meet minimum staffing requirements.
Amputaciones diabéticas: una “métrica vergonzosa” de la atención inadecuada
Aunque el pronóstico de la diabetes se ha vuelto menos grave para las personas que reciben atención médica, para los que no, la condición muchas veces lleva a amputaciones que podrían prevenirse.
Diabetic Amputations A ‘Shameful Metric’ Of Inadequate Care
In California, people who are black or Latino are more than twice as likely as whites to undergo amputations related to diabetes, a Kaiser Health News analysis found. The pattern is not unique to California.
Economic Ripples: Hospital Closure Hurts A Town’s Ability To Attract Retirees
Celina, Tenn., has long lured retirees, with its scenic hills and affordability. These newcomers help fuel the local economy. But a recent hospital closure makes the town a harder sell.
Prestigiosos hospitales se lanzan al negocio de terapias con células madre no aprobadas
Los tratamientos típicos consisten en inyectar las articulaciones de los pacientes con sus propias células grasas o de médula ósea, o con extractos de plaquetas. No está comprobado científicamente que funcionen.
Elite Hospitals Plunge Into Unproven Stem Cell Treatments
Critics are concerned about the explosion in controversial stem cell procedures offered by clinics — and, increasingly, respected hospitals.
Must-Reads Of The Week (Some Flying Below The Radar)
Executive editor Damon Darlin takes a spin as host of “The Friday Breeze,” whirling through a week of health care news so you don’t have to.
How Much Difference Will Eli Lilly’s Half-Price Insulin Make?
Eli Lilly released a half-price generic version of its own short-acting insulin. At $137.35 per vial, the generic insulin is priced at about the same level as Humalog was in 2012.
Pacientes experimentan con drogas recetadas para luchar contra la vejez
Aún no se han realizado ensayos clínicos rigurosos a gran escala para estudiar el proceso de envejecimiento. Así y todo, pacientes experimentan con drogas para detener el paso del tiempo.
Patients Experiment With Prescription Drugs To Fight Aging
Doctors and patients say they’re compelled to use off-label meds as research goes unfunded.
Listening To Older Patients Who Want To Stop Dialysis
Older adults with advanced kidney disease sometimes want to stop dialysis but often meet resistance from doctors, new research shows. We explore options available to these patients, including conservative care.
Estadounidenses van a México a comprar insulina por un costo mucho más bajo
Millones cruzan la frontera para tratamientos y para comprar medicinas. La pregunta es si es una práctica legal. En Utah establecen turismo médico.
Americans Cross Border Into Mexico To Buy Insulin At A Fraction Of U.S. Cost
For one patient, a three-month supply of insulin is $3,700 in the U.S. versus $600 in Mexico. But is it legal?
Adultos mayores vulnerables logran volver a ser independientes
El programa para personas mayores vulnerables de bajos ingresos Community Aging in Place — Advancing Better Living for Elders (CAPABLE) ayuda a los abuelos a vivir independientemente.
Frail Seniors Find Ways To Live Independently
A pilot program for frail low-income seniors provides much-needed help in dealing with “daily activities” and offers practical solutions.
Por qué los adultos mayores necesitan consumir más proteína
La cantidad de proteínas, y las formas de consumirla, son distintas en las personas mayores. Su carencia impacta fuerte en su masa muscular.
Why Older Adults Should Eat More Protein (And Not Overdo Protein Shakes)
Whether because of illness or inactivity, many seniors need to up their protein game to maintain strength and mobility.
Why The U.S. Remains The World’s Most Expensive Market For ‘Biologic’ Drugs
Biologic drugs, made from living organisms, are big moneymakers partly because they have little competition from “biosimilars.” It’s a very different story in Europe.