Latest KFF Health News Stories
Es difícil decir si es COVID, síntomas por inhalar humo… o la gripe que ya llega
Por los incendios en California, pacientes llegan a los centros de salud con síntomas similares a los de COVID. Y hay que seguir los protocolos.
Tough to Tell COVID From Smoke Inhalation Symptoms — And Flu Season’s Coming
Respiratory symptoms stemming from coronavirus infection and smoke inhalation are too similar to distinguish without a full workup. This is complicating the jobs of health care workers as wildfires rage up and down the West Coast.
How to Weigh Evacuation Options With Both Wildfires and COVID at Your Door
As the twin disasters of COVID-19 and fire season sweep through California, thousands of residents are weighing difficult options, pitting risk against risk as they decide where to evacuate. Amid a virulent pandemic, where can you safely relocate?
Wildfires Provide Another Reason to Mask Up
As the long U.S. fire season gets underway, it’s even more important for Western residents to have a good face mask. Unfortunately, most of the masks we’re wearing for COVID-19 aren’t great for smoke.
Los incendios forestales son otra razón para usar máscaras
El humo de más de 300 incendios forestales en California está asfixiando a mucha gente en el centro y norte del estado y expandiendo sustancias tóxicas en el aire.
Cities Brace For ‘Collision Course’ Of Heat Waves And COVID-19
Rochester, New York, and other cities have already weathered the first blasts of excessive heat, and they have done it while cooling centers and spray parks have been closed due to the pandemic.
Millions Stuck At Home With No Plumbing, Kitchen Or Space To Stay Safe
In 470,000 American homes spread across every state, washing hands to prevent COVID-19 may not be as easy as turning on a faucet. They don’t have showers or toilets or, in some cases, even water piped into their homes. Nearly a million U.S. homes don’t have complete kitchens and millions more are overcrowded, making it much tougher for people to shelter in place and avoid infection.
How Climate Change Is Putting Doctors In The Hot Seat
Health care providers are seeing the effects of climate change in hospitals across the U.S. ― and urging their peers to take action.
California Isn’t Testing Enough Children For Lead, Prompting Legislation
A recent report by the California state auditor faults two state health departments for failing to ensure that children receive required blood lead tests and for not doing enough to reduce childhood lead exposure in high-risk areas. Lawmakers are proposing several measures to increase testing.
Bacteria fecal en vías fluviales de California aumenta con la crisis de las personas sin hogar
Funcionarios de calidad del agua dicen que la creciente población de personas sin hogar de California, las cuales no tienen acceso a baños, aumenta el problema.
Fecal Bacteria In California’s Waterways Increases With Homeless Crisis
Some of California’s most prized rivers, bays, beaches and streams are contaminated with levels of fecal bacteria that exceed state limits, threatening human health. While aging sewage infrastructure is largely to blame, homeless encampments are also a probable source of contamination.
Peligrosos desechos del vapeo son un nuevo dolor de cabeza para escuelas y ciudades
En Boulder High School, en Boulder, Colorado, se ha convertido una tarea cotidiana recoger productos del vapeo, que pueden ser tóxicos.
Don’t Toss That E-Cig: Vaping Waste Is A Whole New Headache For Schools And Cities
E-cigarettes may look sleek, but they create toxic trash, especially at high schools where vaping is widespread. Disposable nicotine pods can be poisonous, and vape pens contain batteries and metals. Safely disposing of them can mean a trip to the local recycling center.
Valley Fever Cases Climb In California’s Central Valley — And Beyond
California and nearby Southwestern states are seeing a sustained rise in cases of valley fever, a potentially serious lung illness caused by a fungus found in desert-type soil. As a result of global warming, the areas where the fungus can thrive are expanding, researchers say.
Wildfire, Floods, Extreme Heat: California Prepares For Climate Change
Kate Gordon, director of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Office of Planning and Research, is tasked with identifying and mitigating the risks of climate change in California. She spoke to KHN about how that work intersects with health, and how residents can get involved.
This Story Contains A Warning That Might Cause Alarm — Or Apathy
Proposition 65 requires California businesses to label products and buildings with warnings about substances the state deems as toxic, ranging from aloe vera to asbestos. A state panel plans to debate whether to add acetaminophen, the active ingredient of common over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, to the toxics list, raising questions about the value of these ubiquitous warnings.
Aumento récord de casos de enfermedad del Legionario
Jacuzzis, hoteles y hospitales en todo el país siguen siendo focos de esta enfermedad potencialmente letal, que las personas contraen luego de inhalar vapor o gotas de agua contaminadas.
Record Number Of Legionnaires’ Cases In 2018 Risk Lives, Cause Cleanup Headaches
Legionnaires’ disease cases hit an all-time high in 2018, with eight times more cases than 20 years ago. Even though many facilities in Missouri and elsewhere have water management plans in place to deal with the potentially deadly disease, they are still finding the underlying bacteria that causes it in their water.
California: trabajadores agrícolas enfrentan riesgos de salud por incendios forestales
En el condado de Sonoma, la nación vitivinícola de California, trabajadores enfrentan la cosecha de la uva con el riesgo de inhalar partículas peligrosas que genera el humo.
Farmworkers Face Daunting Health Risks In California’s Wildfires
October marks not only fire season in California, but also the peak of the grape harvest. In areas not imminently threatened by the explosive Kincade Fire in Sonoma County’s fabled vineyards, workers labored through heat and smoke, or faced lost wages.